Project X

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POV Alexis

Date: October

After the wonderful speech from Slick (I was going to call him that since I didn't know his name), we were drafted into groups and sent to the back of the hall. Some girls went left others right, lined up facing left and right hall exits. On the sides there were middle aged women sitting behind desks rapidly making notes and screaming orders. Girls were pushed forward and were looked at from top to bottom. When the women made a decision the girls were dragged into the hall, I didn't know where they went from there. While I wasn't paying attention and according to one guy wasn't walking fast enough, he gave me a hard push in the back. "Fuck off!" I had yelled while pushing him back. Before I knew it he had hit me in the face and shoved me forward. More guys and the girls around me looked while I moved my jaw and stared in front of me. That hurt. "Next!" the woman yelled. Again, I was pushed forward. "Name?" I looked at her weirdly and kept silent. "Name?" she asked with an even more demanding voice. "She won't give it, she's new," the voice low and amused. I looked behind me and saw Blue Cheek, that was the name for the guy who I'd hit earlier, walking towards the table. The woman nodded irritated and grabbed some papers here and there. "Age?" I kept quiet, drop dead. "Age?" she repeated, now even more impatient. Suddenly I was grabbed by my arms, hit in the stomach and thrown on my knees. I let out a painful grunt, fighting upcoming tears, but I kept my mouth shut. "Listen, honey, they who disobey and fight back never last long here. It would be a shame for such a handsome lady to be lying dead in a ditch now wouldn't it?" I scoffed contemptuously but her words had made my heart sink. The woman took off her glasses and sighed deeply, obviously tired of my shit. I saw the guy laughing from behind her. "Get her up," as said it was done, and I was pulled on my feet again. The woman walked around me, scanning me. I had already felt that I would be a 'something' here. Because of all the sports I did I was lean, strong, vigorous if we'd talk fancy and all the right junk in all the right places. Gifted with a quite large frontal view, or as Scarlett would say it 'A pair of great tits', combined with dark blond wavy hair and a fierce attitude, I had seen the lustful looks while walking around here. Side note: Not enjoying it. "Mhm..." the woman mumbled. "Quite muscled, yes.." I got annoyed by her, I felt watched. Everyone here was staring at what was happening here. "How about your teeth, there must be something off about you," the woman simply said. My brow raised as I looked at her with a mindfucked face. My eyes widened, like a scared horse I tried to back up. She nodded at the guys behind me which rushed to me, grabbed my face and started pushing on the sides of my cheeks. What the hell. Because of the pain I opened my mouth while she still looked. "Ah, good. I have seen enough, rank 5, Zack will you escort this agitadora to her room?" she said it sweetly as she walked back to her desk. "It would be my pleasure," the guy, Blue cheeks said smiling broadly. I liked the smile, which was obviously a bad thing. But I now knew his name, Zack. He walked towards me while the woman was already busy with another girl. "C'mon," he pointed to the hall. I blinked in anger and confusion. He came close and whispered. "I'll throw you over my shoulder again," as he bit on his lip and raised his brows, again looking amused. I gave him an arrogant glance and walked towards the hall. Zack's hand on my back pushing me lightly to keep walking. When we got to a door with a big '5' painted on it he nudged me to get in. I did, mostly because I was exhausted. I saw that in the same room Malia, Anna, Beatriz and two girls I didn't know, were sitting on bunk beds. I felt relieved to see familiar faces but turned around to look at the door. "Well, sleep tight Trouble," with an obvious checkout and a wink Zack closed the door.

Confused I turned towards the girls. "Well, what the fuck was that?" my voice drenched with mock, hate and not understanding. I threw my hands in the air. Malia looked at me like a deer in headlights, she was shaking. "That was just Zack, he flirts with everybody," I looked at one of the two unknown girls. She scanned me top to bottom and back. "Figure he's going to fuck you the first," the other replied and they both laughed. "He may try," a glint of darkness mixed with anger was heard in my voice. "Since you know him, you probably know what's going on here," it was a statement but also a question. Anna and Beatriz looked at me with a painful look on their faces. "Honey, you look smart. How did you not figure this out yet?" I tilted my head in a nonunderstanding manner. She smiled and leaned on her elbows. "My name is Oliva and this is Isabella. And you have entered the escort agency of Silvano Du Luca," she smiled broadly as if this was funny to her. No, it was cynical. Her voice was drenched with it. Malia shrieked and looked at me with fear in her eyes. "It's a whore house sweety and you are the newest addition to this lovely place," Shivers ran down my spine as I sat down on the bed. This couldn't be true. I felt like an intense fear crept into the room and filled my whole body with it. My hearing faded, the only thing I could hear was my heartbeat. Rapidly. Almost bouncing out of my chest. I felt like I was nailed to the floor and I couldn't move. Only now I noticed a tear running down my face, and Beatriz staring at me. "So... So that means..-" Malia's voice hoarse and silent. "Yes," Olivia replied. "The men you saw walking around, or boys," she winked at Isabella. "-Are the supervisors. They give you assignments or clients for example and we simply, execute them," she looked at Beatriz and Anna. "Everyone here works to get to the highest ranks, they're the best," Isabella replied and gave Olivia a smug smile. "The jobs are less shitty and you get privileges," the words sounded dreamy. "You two have worked your way up pretty good," Oliva had rolled on her side and looked at Anna and Beatriz. They, on the other hand, looked uncomfortable. "And you, why have they put you in rank 5?" Isabella asked bluntly, her eyes fixed on Malia. I frowned at the two girls and studied them for a minute. Olivia looked like one of those girls I would at all cost, every day of the year, 24/7, avoid. She had only talked for about 5 minutes and I was already tired of her shit. Her face was caked up with so much makeup I didn't even know if there was any real hair left on those eyebrows. Aside from that, she was a curvy girl and looked relatively good, so she probably was very good at following orders and that made her fit for such a high rank. If I understood the ranking in this place correctly. Isabella was more or less the same, the only difference was that she was thinner. I shrugged, still cold. "Hello, do I speak Chinese?" she laughed and looked at Isabella. Malia looked at me and back to the girls. "Like she would know. We don't know anything about this place," my voice mildly irritated and shaken. Olivia's head snapped my way so fast that I was afraid she would break her neck. She rolled her eyes, looking annoyed. "We do chores for our supervisors and get favours in place for our hard work," I threw my hands in the air. "So you fuck a dude and then the higher powers in this asylum grant your favours?" my voice harsh and sarcastic. Isabella and Olivia simply nodded. "Okay, so I can just ask if I can go outside? " Now they both laughed like chickens. "Honey, no one ever leaves this place, okay?" Isabella looked at her nails. "Going back with the elevator, nuh-uh. Trying to sneak out after sleeping with one of the supervisors? Hah! Sweets, you won't ever get out of El Cavidad. It is simply impossible," Olivia's voice now sounded hurt, I figured that they had been here for quite some time. "The advice that we can give you? Do your chores, please your men and try to ascend in the ranks," Isabella replied while sitting up. "We have seen quite a lot like you. Willing to 'fight', get out of here, escape this living hell," Isabella's voice harsh and threatening. "You want to know where they end up?" she leaned forward, her eyes piercing mine. I bit on the inside of my cheek and my heart once again sank to my feet. "Dead," I squinted at the word that rolled out of her mouth as easily as I the way she talked about this place. I sighed deeply, my breath shaking, dread filling my head with awful thoughts, what have I gotten myself into?

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