Sick Days: Toshiro x Fem!OC

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Request by DragonWolfStudios !! (Go check out her Pokemon story!!!)

2nd POV

Destiny Fuyu walked into her Captain's office. It was later at night and she knew he would still be in there working. The 3rd seat of Squad ten did not want to admit, but she had grown fond of her Captain. When she told her best friend, Lynn, she flipped. Currently Lynn was dating the 8th's squads Captain so he found out. Then over drinks he told Rangiku, and she prayed that Rangiku never told Toshiro.

Upon on opening the door, Destiny saw the captain alseep. He was working really hard over the last few days and usually not going home. This worried the third seat, and she had two reasons, 1.) Having a love interest and 2.) Was becuase him being her Captain.

She walked over to the desk to wake him up, she wanted him to get proper sleep. Destiny knew she could carry him, but she didn't know where he lives. I'm not a stalker! Chuckling to herself, she looked over at the males sleeping figure, but something was wrong. BIG TIME! What shocked her the most, was that Toshiro was shivering! Everyone knew his zanpakuto was ice so he was used to the cold, but this startled the girl. She bent over him and felt his forehead. 'OMG! He's on fire! He feels like lava!!'

Destiny picked him up, trying to keep her calm composure. Toshiro was a little bit taller than his third seat, but with her strength she carried him to the couch no problem.

Once she put her Captain on the soft fluffy cushions, the immediately went to the 1st aid kit to get pain killers and some other pills to help him. After the pills she ran to the kitchen in the barracks. She got an ice pack and a few bottles of water.

Slowly opening the door to the office Destiny walked in with the supplies she just gathered. Placing them on the table she shook her Captain's shoulder.

He woke up with a stir, "Fuyu? What are you doing here!" He was groggy and his voice was raspy. He has probably been sick all day... she thought.

"Captain Hitsugaya, I walked in your office to see if you were alseep, and when I saw that you were shivering I touched your forehead and you had a massive fever! After I brought you to the couch I went to go get you some medicine!" She was rushing her sentences, always nervous around her crush.

"W-well thank you Fuyu.." Toshiro said, you couldn't tell he was blushing becuase if his fever, but it was there.

"Here you go Captain!" She handed him the medicine. "And please call me Destiny? I rather that then my last name."

"O-ok then." He said, taking the medications. He had liked his third seat for a while now, and he thought she only saw him as a captain and her as a subordinate.

"Now you try to rest Captain!" Destiny said with a small grin, the signs of sleepiness already forming on her face.

The captain did as she said, the feeling of drowsiness taking over. He immediately fell asleep after he laid back down.

When Destiny got up again, she checked the time. It was around 12 o'clock, way past my bedtime. She chuckled to herself. She went back to the kitchen to get a wet rag becuase she forgot the first time.

After a few minutes of walking back to Toshiro's office, she made it back sleeper than ever.

"Well... I'll go back home soon.." The 3rd seat mumbled to herself. After walking in she placed the rag on her Captain's head. She sighed looking over at his sleeping figure, he looked like he was still shivering but other wise he looked fine.

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