{PayBack}Kenpachi x Fem!Reader

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My receptionist told me this was requested by the lovely NEEDWIFI1999
Enjoy!! Lol sorry it took forever

Y/N/N means your nickname if you didn't already know! And (F/S) means favorite scent. Some language not suitable for the youngins. Bad words people.


I sighed, walking across the rooftops of the seireitei. I was bored and itching for a fight. I was the Co-Lieutenant of the 11th Division. Lovely don't cha think? I was only the Co because Yarchiu couldn't do Lieutenant work. Psssh like the 11th squad did paperwork anyway. Also becuase I was stronger than those idiots.

"HEY L/N!!!" I heard a voice behind me and I immediately knew who it was. Kenpachi Zaraki. My captain and friend... And crush. I had immediately grown towards the captain for a few reasons. He was hot. He was an amazing fighter. Another reason was the he cared for Yarchiu like his own child.

" 'Sup Ken," I laughed jumping off the roof. He growled not liking me calling him 'Ken'.

"Wanna fight? I'm bored." I dead panned. I wasn't shocked by him saying this. Usually he fought me, Ikkaku, or Yumichkia. I was usually his first option becuase I was the Co-Lieutenant.

"Sure why not Capt.!" I said looking at him, brighting up a little. "Swords or hands?"

"Hands," he said with a mischievous smirk. Little did I know what plan the great Kenpachi Zaraki had thought of with Yumichkia and Ikkaku.

Kenpachi POV

"Come on Captain!!" The bald one yelled, the feathered one just face palmed. "Just ask her out already!! She likes you too!!" He was getting frustrated with me becuase I haven't asked Y/N out yet. I had started to like Y/N becuase of her fighting attitude, but when I saw her with Yarchiu I had known I loved her. Yarchiu never had a mother figure in her life and she thought of Y/N as one.

"Kenny? What's going on?" I heard Yarchiu pop up over my shoulder.

"Noth-" I stared but was cut off when Yumichkia said: "The captain is going to ask out Y/N."

"KENNY REALLY!? You are gonna ask Y/N/N to be with you?" If Yarchiu could smile bigger, it happened right here and now. "I get someone like a mommy?"

"That's right pinky." Ikkaku laughed.

"Baldy? When did you get here. I saw feathers but maybe the shine from your head didn't show.. it is dark in here." Yumichkia started laughing his ass off while Ikkaku had shadows around him.

"Bai!~ I have to go see Bya from some candy!!!" She jumped from my shoulder and ran.

"Look Captain! Y/N is walking on the roof over there. Ask her out now! It would be most beautiful!" Yumichkia flipped his hair and I walked away.

"HEY L/N!!" I boomed to get the pretty women's attention. She turned around and her H/L H/C hair followed her perfectly. Her eyes were shining brightly.

" 'Sup Ken!" She jumped down from the roof with a giggle. It made my stomach catch those damn butterflies again.

"Wanna fight? I'm bored." I lied through my teeth. I just needed a reason, one reason to ask her. She deadpanned at my words. For a moment I thought she would say no and my stomach dropped.

"Sure why not Capt.!" She looked at me with happy eyes. "Swords or hands?" She smiled like a maniac which made me smile more.

"Hands," and I felt my smirk go mischievous. I had a plan and I was going to make her mine.

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