~•Full Bloom~•Shunsui x Fem!OC

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If you have read the Toshiro x OC 'Sick days' then you know Lynn. If you don't this is before Lynn and Shunsui start dating! Thank you and read on readers!!!

2nd POV

Lynn was running through the seireitei on top of the roofs. She was rushing to get to her office, being a little clumsy she started to lose her footing. When she lost it completely she tried to flash step but strong arms wrapped around the girls waist.

"What the hell!?" She exclaimed and turned around. She saw a pink kimono and immediately she knew it was, Captain Kyōraku. "O-oh! Sorry Captain!" She said trying to wiggle out his arms.

"Now why is a pretty lady like you doing around the seireitei?" Shunsui asked with a small smirk.

"1.) Not pretty. 2.) I am running late. 3.) It was lovely to meet you!" The female said finally out of his grip. She ran off with a wave and flash stepped to her office, her heart beating madly.

"Now, I know she did not just call herself not pretty. And why she running late..?" Shunsui put his finger to his chin and thought for a moment. His thoughts were broken by his Lieutenant though.

"Captain! You are late for your meeting!" The black haired shinigami said.

"Oh yeah I knew I forgot something!" He said and flash stepped to where the meeting was being held.

"Ah. Captain Kyōraku!" Shunsui turned around to find his best friend giving him a small wave.

After the meeting cuz I'm b.o.r.e.d
Lynn POV

I sighed as I walked out my office. I had so much paperwork to bring, and it was pretty much every Squad. But I decided to get it over and done with.

After delivering all the Captains their papers I went to the 13th squad, to deliver Captain Ukitake's papers. I couldn't find Captain Kyōraku so I decided to give him his soon.

After knocking on the office door to the 13th squad, I stated "My name is Lynn Yamamoto . I am from the 1st Division as the Vice- Lieutenant and I am here to give you your paperwork Captain."

"Please come in!" I heard a crash soon following that sentence and when I opened the door, I stood agape. The 8th squad's captain was on the ground with his hat on his head.

"I- uhm... Wrong time?" I asked the white haired male, who just sweat dropped.

"No no! I think it's the perfect time!" He said with a small sweet smile, while I put the papers on the table.

"Heyyy I know youuuu~" I heard words slur behind me. "You were datttt purtty ladieeeee!~~" I then heard shuffling and felt the same strong arms from earlier wrap around my waist.

"S-sir p-please let go.." I felt my face heat up. He smelt like sake, so he was probably drunk.

"Noooooooo~~~ you smell like strawberries and," he paused sniffing my hair. Wtf is wrong with him!? He made a content noise. "And, vanilla."

"Please let go.." I said struggling to get out of his arms. I looked over at the other Captain in the room. He looked like he was having a good laugh at this.

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