☆Accio, Soulmate☆ Jushiro x Reader

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literally could not find a picture of the bby at Hogwarts, so you get that.
*Is a proud Hufflepuff*
Sorry for not updating in like forever
Forgot who this was requested by
But it was a Jushiro x reader
You a female
Ok let's start-

~ Accio, the spell that summons/brings something (maybe even someone) in your grabbing reach. (Not actual def, I'm to tired to look it up)

~You follow the Golden Trios story line

~You are in your 5th year. (Cries) but UMBITCH

~ Jushiro is a Hufflepuff, I think we all know that. Shunsui, is obviously a Gryffindor, and you shall be a Slytherin. Hah..hahah...HAHAHA
*Sips tea* let's begin


Man, why can't people understand that I try to be nice? Like what's the problem with nice Slytherins? Huh? Like we had a frigging traitor Gryffindor, why can't we have a nice Slytherin? We have Slughorn, Regulus, and Tonks. So many more, but they let one dark wizard (ok more than one, but that isn't the point) ruin the image.

I doesn't help that I'm mughleborn. People like me in the "Green House" are very rare, and I just happen to be one of those people.

"Hey Y/N!" I heard a rather familiar, and annoying  voice behind me. Soi-Fon..

((Sorry I really don't like her))

Soi-Fon had been my bully since the 2nd year, when the chamber of secrets opened. She had a feeling the basilisk was going to kill her instead of Ginny ((I really don't wanna use any other soul reaper so like-)) Ginny really didn't die, but if you were in her place you knew you would.

Once the bullying started, I had these thoughts of what I called periods of darkness.. they were these voices in ny head that told you things, and these things... Well they weren't the best thoughts ever They just popped out of nowhere and then... Disappeared.

The weren't suicidal thoughts, no. I knew better than that, I wouldn't waste my life for someone who just wants to get under my skin, or let the darkness take over.

I did have one person, well two, to get over these periods of darkness. These two people were my best friends. Jushiro Ukitake from Hufflepuff and
Shunsui Kyōraku from Gryffindor. These two boys have been my best friends since the train ride here. They don't care what house I was in, and vice versa.

Yet, I wanted to be with Jushiro, in not just a friend way, but in a relationship kind of way. But I was to much of a coward to ruin out friendship over something so petty as my feelings. Heh, maybe that's why I wasn't put into Gryffindor. I'm to much of a coward.

"What do you want Soi-Fon?" I glared at her, and saw her badge. It was something Umbrige had given her. It was her 'patrol party' is what me and Shunsui called it. I just wanted to get to Harry's lesson without being stopped by these people.

"Listen hunny, I need you to stay away from Jushiro, do I make myself clear?" This stopped me. Stay away from my best friend and crush? HAH she wishes.

"And if I don't?" I asked with the anger in my voice.

"I'll make your life a living hell." She simply stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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