¥Splinter¥ Kisuke Urahara x Reader

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Ok ok here me out. I want to try something like a lime. Not a lemon. A lime, might be bad? I don't even know what to call it at this point...

This was requested byyyyy:
Got it wrong the first time but this was requested by Mapep!!!!

Y/N is Your name

s/c means skin color
F/b/f: favorite breakfast food
H/L is hair length
H/C hair color
E/C is eye color

Your POV

"Kisuke!!! Helloooooooo????" I walked into the shops doors and took off my shoes.

Upon walking into the shop, I saw how dark it was. "Now why in the hell is it so dark in here? Where is everyone??"

I wandered everywhere to find at least Tessai or Jinta. Nope nothing. Once I had made it to their kitchen in the back, I searched the cabinets, and found what I was looking for- Cookies.

I make a habit every time I'm in the world of the living that I come to see Kisuke to: 1.) Steal his cookies, 2.) Get a gigai and 3.) To stay here.

Pretty simple right? Except I can't find Kisuke. I kept looking around for the man, but I didn't look in one spot: his bedroom...

See I'm not going to actually do that becuase God forbid he might be naked. But I needed a gigai, and I was getting kinda impatient. So I walked down the hallway to where his door was.

Sliding the door open I took a deep breath. I saw him on his floor futon and decided he probably wasn't in his birthday suit. I then stepped back out in the hallway, walking backwards.

I then pushed myself off the wall and threw myself at him. I landed on his stomach with him responding in a 'humph.'

"Morning Kisuke!!" I was still on top of him. I was savoring the warmth from him. I never admitted it but I had a huge crush on him.

And I mean hugeeeeee. Like it just kept growing whenever I saw him. I savored his warmth until I heard him lightly breathing again. I rolled off of him and legit dragged him.

"Y/N!!!!" He whined, thrashing around.

"Quit complaining, I have been here for more than an hour. So shut up." I threw him into the kitchen and said 'Fix me some breakfast I'm hungry,' while pointing at him.

"Alright princess~~," he just looked at me and winked. I surprisingly held back my blush. Proud of myself, I walked out if the kitchen with a smug look.

Mr. Hat n' Clogs POV

I felt a light weight fall on top of me. I opened my eyes with a grunting sound and saw the precious Y/N. She looked up at me with her gorgeous E/C orbs and said a chrippy good morning.

I felt her head fall into my chest and I resisted the urge to put my arms around her and kiss her right there. It was true, I had fallen hard for Y/N. During a round of 21 truths with my cat friend, I had figured out my love for the soul reaper.

Y/N then shifted her body weight to the floor and grabbed my ankle.

I was whining her name while she dragged me to the kitchen. She complained that she has been her for about an hour and was waiting for me to get up.

She dropped me on tje ground and pointed at me. She told me to make her some breakfast, for which I replied with a wink and 'Alright Princess~~'. It might have been the light but I saw her with a tiny pink color on her beautiful S/C face.

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