|Come With Me... Please|Gin x Oc

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Bleach-Gin and her OC Neko

BEFORE AIZENS BETRAYAL like the day of rukias execution

Neko POV

"UGHHHH!!!! Today of all days, I have a buttload of paperwork." I groaned, stretching out my hand. It was starting to cramp in my hand. It was Rukia's execution, and Captain Ichimaru was legit no where to be seen. Sometimes being a third seat of Squad 3 sucked. But as long as I hung out with Him and Izuru, I was fine. Oh well.

"CAPTAIN WHERE THE FLIP ARE YOU!?!?" I yelled, and got up out of my chair. As if on cue, Gin flashsteped right in front of me with his snake-like grin on his face. His grin became more human once he turned his head towards me.

"You called Third Seat Tsuki?" His full body turned in my direction, and I felt my face heat up. If you heard from Shuhei and Izuru, you already knew my head over heels crush for my Captain. If you didn't... There ya go.

I put my hands on my hips, frustrated. "Captain Ichimaru, 1.) I told you to call me Neko, 2.) Where were you!? And 3.)" I said pointing my finger towards the (hot) snake man. "WHY DID YOU NOT DO YOUR PAPERWORK!!!?!?!" I just yelled at him, and I didn't care. He left me to do 5 stacks of paperwork. THAT WERE HIS I MIGHT ADD!!

"Sorry Neko," he said he smile Turing into a nasty frown (that was very unappealing). "I was dealing with ryoka, and I am so sorry for not doing to paperwork. Lo-" he cleared his throat before he said that last word. "Captain Aizen called me. He was going to accommodate me to the execution."

"That still doesn't make it right," I crossed my arms dramatically.

"Awww is my Neko upset with me~" he laughed, seeing my mouth agape. "I'll do my paperwork if you deliver the ones you did." He stated walking towards his desk.

"Ok? Bye then??" I said looking over my shoulder with my paperwork pilled up in my hands. "Cya Capt!"

I walked out the door with my zanpakuto around my waist. I had permission from my Captain to keep it around. These ryoka were very 'dangerous'. Tch, ones a substitute soul reaper... No. I could beat him, but Gin said no. 'Only for self defense.' Whateverrrrr.

"Hey!! Neko~eko!!" I heard a familiar voice behind me, along with him saying that stupid nickname.

Shuhei was waving with Izuru behind him. Ship! I squealed. I always thought they would be the cutest!! I smirked at Shuhei.

"Alright Gin-" He started but then he was stopped when he heard Izuru behind him.

"Be nice Shuhei. Just becuase she smirked at you doesn't mean anything," Izuru deadpanned. "You can't just tease her for nothing.

I just smiled. Izuru always took my side, usually. I laughed after a few moments, and it startled the two males.

"Uhhh Neko? Why are you laughing?" Izuru looked at me.

"Ah I'm just thinking about which one of you would be in the wedding dress and the other in the tux!" I busted out laughing again. Their faces were red , which made me laugh harder.

"Eh? Neko why are you laughing?" I heard my favorite voice behind me and a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at my captain. I felt the blood rushing towards my face.

"U-uh I was laughing about which one of these dimwits would be in a wedding dress and the other in the tux!" To which the mere thought made me busy into giggles.

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