The suspicious sister

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No one's POV:

  Morning came since the night of the pseudo robbery. Rebekah noticed that Nik was still sleeping, not wanting to wake him up she went to school with Stefan. They have been dating for over a month now and she really liked Stefan. He put up with her and could see the real her behind the facade she put up. That was all she wanted for someone to see in her.

 Settling in her first period, Rebekah absently chewed on her gum ignoring the math teacher and the situation regarding Nik's love. All of a sudden the teacher noticed her gazing into the horizon and told her to leave the class and spit out the gum. Complaining under her breath about her math teacher being an "old Crowny hag" she went to the parking lot to catch a ride to go home. She wanted to check on Nik's health and using the ruse possibly cut the school to get ready for her date at evening. She searched around for a paper to spit her gum when she noticed a paper just at the side of Damon's car. Everyone knew his car, he treated it like a new born infant. Rebekah picked up the paper to spit in it when the writings caught her eye.

 Rebekah picked up the paper to spit in it when the writings caught her eye

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"Sweet Caroline,

                  You look as good as the goddess Diana personified.  At least, I hope you are not forbidden like her. Watching you sleep with moonlight reflecting on your face, I question whether you were born on this earth or an angel fallen on to the earth. I caught myself wondering if am I the reason for the sweet smile in your face.

P.S : Don't wander around in the middle of the night, the night is the home to many creatures we ceased to believe. Be careful, my beautiful. Your health is the at most priority. I can't always carry you, you do weigh a little. Stop putting yourself in dangerous situation to find me.

With love ,

-A friend"

  It was a little smudged in the middle due to dirt but Rebekah was sure the paper was a love letter to Caroline which was written by none other than her own brother, the love sick fool, Nik. The paper looked like it took some pretty hard beating like someone relieved their anger on it. With confronting Nik on mind, she decided to just walk to Mikaelson manor.

 With confronting Nik on mind, she decided to just walk to Mikaelson manor

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 Reaching home, She barged into Nik's room, successfully waking him up. Nik looked groggily in her direction still wearing his late night sneak out outfit which from her point of view was a little feminine. He was wearing a blue girls jacket, "From when did you start wearing girls jacket".

  Surprised he quickly removed the jacket and threw it on a nearby chair. Nik stammered nervously " actually that's not mine, but tell me what you were doing in my room and not in school at this hour. Are you cutting classes now, what will mother think "

 Are you cutting classes now, what will mother think "

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"Oh don't try to change to change the topic. On the subject of mother thinking about her children's choices what will mother think about falling in love with her rival's daughter". That shut him up real quick and his expression was priceless. When Nik opened his mouth to speak, Rebekah shut him up quickly by saying, "Don't try to deny it big brother, I know  you love that cheap knock off, your best friend by the way and apparently writing letters under an anonymous name and hurting himself at night for her."

"Is that all neccesary to see if I am saying the truth or are you going to still hide your secret from me?" Rebekah questioned.


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