What A Day!

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Tuesday morning! Another full day!

As always I woke up, made a shower and got dressed beautifully. I had the second amazing breakfast with my mom. After this, I left alone to school. This time no one joined by my side, I was all alone. All I could do was to loose myself in my thoughts.
When I finally arrived at school, my legs hurt very bad. I entered the building. I saw the football players and the gossip girls together...and...Liam.

They were laughing and having fun. I didn't matter to Liam anymore, I was a...thing...a random person, a person that meant something to him a long time ago...!

While I was going to my locker, Selene appeared.

"Hey girl! What's up? Is it Liam?" she asked.
"No, No! I am over that!" I answered.

"Okay! You know that you have me...and Cole, Gabrielle! You have other friends! I hope that he will be back, we need the old Liam!" Selene said.
"Yea...! We do! I love you, Selene!" I said.

"Me 2 gurl, me 2!" Selene said.

While I was talking with Selene, Zack came by and said.

"Hey! Open up the locker, Jack! We are all waiting!"
What was that supposed to be? Jerk!
"Selene! I won't open it!" I said.

"Why not? He is just messing with our heads!" Selene said.
"What if he is not!" I said.

"C'mon! What is your combination!" Selene asked me.
"1599!" I said.

When Selene opened my locker, a red-colored solution covered all her clothes, including her face and hair! She was very mad, very very angry.

"IDIOTS!" she screamed.
"Selene! Let's wash this off of you!" I said.

"Don't touch it! It's disgusting! It's blood, real blood! They are crazy!"  Selene said with anger in her eyes.

"What the hell?" I said.

Selene, found her way to Zack.

"Idiot!" she said and punched him in his face and then she left without caring.

I stopped for a few moments next to Liam. I looked at him and shouted.

"Why are you like this? IT'S US, YOUR FRIENDS! THAT WAS SELENE!"
"I am sorry for her! I told Zack not to do it!" Liam said.

I couldn't take this anymore. Tears streamed down my cheek. I looked deep in Liam's eyes, it was like he had darkness in them. I slapped him and then made my way out to Selene.

"What JERKS!" Selene said.
"I know, let me help you!" I said.

"No Jack! I will go home, to clean this off!" Selene said.
"Blood! Crazy assholes!" I said.

"IDIOTS! And, Liam did this to me as well! He was laughing! They were planning to do this on you!" Selene said.
"I know...!" I said.

"I am leaving! I can't stay with this on me anymore! See ya gurl!" Selene said and then she left completely pissed.
"Bye!" I said as well.

When I got out of the girls' bathroom, someone was waiting for me outside. The sweet guy who everyone loved...Cole.

"Hi handsome!" I said.
"Hi, Princess!" he said.

"Um...you have a little bit of blood on your shirt!" I said.
"Yess...Selene bumped into me. She was covered by blood, so...!" Cole said.

"You are still beautiful! Don't worry!" I said and I tried to wipe the blood off his shirt.
"Soo...you think that I am beautiful?" Cole asked.

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