Chapter Six: All Alone

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"I think they shouldn't 'ave gone."

Demo put his feet on the table, staring up at the ceiling.

"Or maybe we shoulda gone with 'em."

Sniper tipped his hat, thinking. "We are the only blokes who can hold the B.L.Us off alone. Besides, this'll give us a chance to do a mission, just the two of us."


The noise had no satisfaction and not a small amount of disappointment.

"Listen, they don't need to blow anything up or kill anybody. It's a grab and go, mate. Just an A.W.O.L gone screwy."

"First of all," Demo said, getting up with a start, "there's always somethin' to blow up. Second of all, what if they do? Who'll they call? They can't just 'ire construction workers from some random highway!"

"They wouldn't, 'cause they won't need to, Dee. Simple."

"Jesus, ya don't even think! Anythin' can 'appen! Why do you think I keep these guys around?"

Demo pulled out several sticks of dynamite, much to Sniper's amusement.

"You really keep those around? You amaze me, Demo."

"Don't tell that ya don't keep a BB in case of an emergency!"

"They're like...a security blanket," Sniper pondered, keeping back a snicker. "Like those rags that little kids drag around."

"It's for emergencies, Irwin."

"Told you not to call me that, mate."

"Don't make fun o' my explosives, and I won't."

   Sniper blew a bit of hair out of his face, not answering. He was thinking of a scathing reply. However, before he could use it, a loud thunk shattered the silence.

"The hell-!" Demo cried, already lighting a match.

Sniper quickly blew out the flame. "Don't get all trigger happy. It's probably just a bitta hail from the rain. Let me get my gun, just in case it's one of those B.L.U scoundrels..."

After a long few minutes, Sniper and Demo were armed and ready. The rain continued, but there was no scratching, footsteps, or alarms to be heard.

"Maybe," Sniper whispered, "maybe we're overreacting. Just our nerves."

Demo nodded. "Just a bit longer. I don't want anybody to sneak up on us..."

Just then, another slam shook the ceiling. The sound seemed to be coming from the roof. Slowly, carefully, the pair lifted their respective weapons and made their way towards the door.

Boof! Boof! Boof! Slam!

   The noises were now getting steadier, more repetitive. Demo stuck his head out first, the rain almost immediately drenching him.

   "M-medic? No...get your guns ready, it's a B.L.U!"

   Sniper ran outside, taking aim out of his peripheral vision. He fired, still running. A figure on top of the base clutched their arm, lost their footing, and fell off the roof with a wet splat. A cry of pain and curses echoed over the downpour. Demo was the first to get to the stranger, brandishing a knife he had borrowed from Heavy. He came in so quickly that he ended up sliding headfirst into the imposter.

   "Weg von mir! Peace! I come in peace! Truce!"

   Sniper, who was close behind Demo, pointed his gun at who was now revealed to be the other team's Medic. His face was absolutely covered in rain, mud, and sweat. The B.L.U Medic's arm was pinned painfully to his side, barely hiding his gunshot wound.

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