100 Read Special Questionnare

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   Due to the popularity that this story is bringing, I thought it might be fun to do a little bit of Q&A with each of the characters! The plot is a bit confusing, and there are a lot of secrets to be had, so a questionnaire would be perfect. Here are the directions:

1. Comment a question down below. Of course, you must use both caution and politeness when asking. Remember, these men and woman are trained mercenaries.

2. You can ask ANY person that have been mentioned almost ANY question. Don't be disgusting, though, okay?

3. Keep a look out for the answers, which will be made in a separate post. You have until February 15th to submit your questions.

4. You can ask several people the same question, but you can't ask EVERYONE. You need to outline who and what you are asking.

5. Do have fun! Ask any kind of silly, serious, or curious question. It could be a favorite color to the meaning of life. They will even talk about the events in the story thus far!

6. After this is over, we will go back to our regularly scheduled program.

   Thank you for your patience, and I hope you all enjoy this Q&A!

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