1K Q&A Answers!

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   Thank you all so much for your questions! I can't wait to answer them all, and I'm sure you're on the edge of your seat, so let's get right into it!

   ZacLovesSeverusSnape asks: Red Spy, does Scout know yet?

R.E.D Spy: Non. Think of how it would change our team. We work so closely that I don't think it's possible to reveal anything without causing unwanted change. Besides, as stupide as he can be...Scout deserves something more than I can provide.

   Iamnotbrave asks: Medic, what was your goal? Why did you leave the team?

R.E.D Medic: I didn't zhink it vould be so complicated. I had no idea zhat zhe serum could render me as helpless as it did. I still have no idea vhy I am not dead yet. It make me zhink Alium is up to something. Zhe general idea of zhe serum was to qvickly evaluate and balance chemicals. Depression, anxiety, even schizophrenia could be cured. It had tested vell vis rats. And doves, of course. Vunce I started feeling voozy, I realized that zhis serum could turn me into a monster, or a completely different person. I vanted to get avay. I never zhought I could go zhat far. In fact, I'm not even sure vhere my physical body is at zhe moment.

   NovaDiamond21 asks: Ms. Pauling, why do you only get one day off a year?

Ms. Pauling: Mann Co. is a stingy enterprise. They wanted to give me one vacation day to keep me quiet, though they promised "full vacation days" in their living loophole nightmare of a contract. They knew I would get attached and wouldn't quit. The only reason they give the team every weekend as a vacation is because the shipment of weapons and supplies comes on Sunday, and it usually runs out on Saturday. Otherwise they'd be working the same hours as I do. However, witnesses don't have a schedule. At least I left my conscience at the door when I took this job.

   LemnBot asks: What is the silliest fear you have?

   Spy: Changing into a B.L.U team member and not being able to change back. I couldn't be a Demoman or a Pyro for the rest of my life. Buerk!

   Scout: Heh, I'm not scared of nothin'. 'Cept...wait, nobody'll see this, right? I...uh...not a big fan of rabbits. One bit the shit out of my finger at a petting zoo, got an infection. Swole to the size of a golf ball. My cousins said they'd have to amputate it, I guess for a joke. They didn't though. Once I got outta the hospital, never went near a rabbit.

   Demo: Worms. I'm not really scared of 'em, I just don't like the way they move around. Feel the same way about leeches. I've seen enough maggots to be alright with them, though.

   Engineer: Spiders. See, I'm okay with snakes, 'cause I can see 'em and all. Spiders can crawl into anywhere, and the venomous ones tend to be the smallest. Kill every single one of 'em if they crawl in the house.

Soldier: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself! And dinosaurs. But those bastards are never coming back. God beat the crap out of 'em on the ark, and they died with all the rest of the wimpy animals!

Heavy: Chicken. If it crows three times before lunch, someone will die.

   Sniper: I saw "The Mask" from Goosebumps...I never put on a mask for Halloween. I don't want it meldin' into my face and makin' me all nasty.

Medic: Zhe idea of Frankenstein alvays scared me. It may be enjoyable to make, but zhen you have a stumbling, immature idiot zhat could destroy your entire life. People really vunder vhy I've never been in a relationship.

Pyro (translated from ASL): The sea. No one can use fire there.

Ms. Pauling: I know that Mann Co. is probably going to make a robot that can do all of my jobs for me, and I'll be replaced. As much as I hate the long hours...I really don't want to leave.

   Unknown asked: "What are you, president of his fan club?"

   R.E.D Spy: I hate you. I have never even met you, and yet I want to send you to the deepest pits of hell.

   B.L.U Spy: Those were good times. Simpler times. You played Scout very well.

   R.E.D Spy: Don't patronize me! You knew all along, you pathetic worm!

   B.L.U Spy: [laughs nervously] Well...an eye for an eye, I suppose. You never knew I was Scout. Heavy guessed before you did.

   R.E.D Spy: Once this is all over, I will make you feel too much pain to imagine.

   B.L.U Spy: [smiles grimly] That's funny. Last time I checked, I had already felt the worst of the worst. My entire team may be dead. No wound could hurt like that.

   R.E.D Spy: [rubs the back of his neck, but says nothing]

   Unknown asks: Why does Sniper carry jars of piss around with him?

   R.E.D Sniper: They are a pretty good weapon in a pinch. Reveal an invisible Spy, knock Medics on the head...it's no gun, but it could save your life.

Unknown asks: Why did you do nothing but teleport bread for three days?

R.E.D Soldier: They told me to.

R.E.D Engineer: [sighs] Can't argue with that. I wish I kept my mouth shut. Woulda saved us a lot of trouble later on.

Ms. Pauling: I don't know...that was the best day off I've ever had.

   Not_a_writerTM asks: What inspired you to write your fanfic? Also, can Sniper be my friend?

   Bard: I loved the dynamic that the team had with each other. Even people who don't seem to have any connection can have some sort of relationship. It also seemed like the team didn't have much common character development, so it's nice to give them a little universe to stretch out their personalities. Also, I have a tiny celebrity crush on Medic.

   Sniper: Depends on how you feel about you bein' killed. I'll have a plan by the time we meet, and if there's anybody with enough money, I'd put a bullet through your head before you could say, 'Crikey!'


I have a very special announcement to make - one that will actually affect this story. Once this story is over, I may continue the series with "Tales From The Team." This will give an insight on what happens after the story takes place. Imagine a more slice-of-life look at TF2. If you have any ideas or critiques, please let me know in the comments! I love hearing from you all!

Thank you all very much for the questions, and I hope I can do more posts like this in the future!

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