Chapter Seventeen: Four and Twenty

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   "You get used to it after a while." B.L.U Spy said nervously.

   As the team went deeper into the base, a terrible smell intoxicated the air. The only one who wasn't bothered by it was B.L.U Spy.

   "Medic hasn't been in his lab for a quite a while," he explained. "Les corps are probably almost to the ceiling."

   Ms. Pauling blinked. She couldn't have heard him correctly. "The what?"

   "The bodies. The corpses. The dead people. Ms. Pauling gave them to Medic to evaluate, as 'practice.'"

   The spy's thin fingers became angry air quotes.

   "None of us have been healed apart from the battle field in weeks. La vipère..."

   R.E.D Spy nodded slightly, approving the insult.

   "How close do you think we are to the dungeon elevator?" Engineer asked, his voice muffled from the hand he had over his nose and mouth. "I might be able to jam the lock."

   B.L.U Spy closed his eyes, trying to remember. "We have gone through about five floors. The dungeon is on the eighth. So I suppose we must go to level seven. Two more."

   "Impressive," Engineer murmured. "You know the structure mighty well."

   B.L.U Spy shuddered, rubbing the jagged wound that his counterpart gave him in the truck.

   "I should."

   A cold, sharp voice answered him.

   "You had better."

   B.L.U Spy jumped, trying to turn invisible but only getting sparks from his cloaking device. A screen suddenly popped out of the ceiling, showing a moment of static and then an error message.

   "What is that?" Heavy yelled over the sound of rusty metal machinery.

   A scrambled image popped up, fading into a clearer one just as fast. Ms. Pauling's face, albeit more snide, caused a moment of confused familiarity. However, one look into her eyes told the team all they needed to know: the woman sitting in an ebony black chair, her hands folded in her lap, wasn't even close to their Miss Pauling.

   "I would hate," she growled, "for all that training to go to waste."

   B.L.U Spy stood at attention, but had one foot  poised behind the other. He wanted to run.

   "Ms. Pauling," he stammered, "I..."

   "Save it," the Ms. Pauling on the screen snapped. "I'll kill your little friends soon enough. And how many times have I told you to call me Red? I don't want to be associated with that twerp you have next to you."

   The Ms. Pauling on the ground clenched her teeth, but said nothing. Engineer was not so wise.

   "So you're this rogue we've been hearin' about," he said, barely keeping venom from his voice.

   Red laughed. "Rogue? Sweetie, I'm the damn boss of this whole operation. There is no Mann Co., no director, no nothing. Just me, Alium, and enough power to take over the world."

   "Alium?" Soldier repeated. "Sounds like a punk to me."

   Pyro nodded.

   YES. PUNK.*

   Red's eyes narrowed.

   "I ought to put you in a freezer where you belong."

   R.E.D Spy sniffed. "It's a bit ironic to name yourself after an enemy team."

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