Chapter Twelve: Butting Heads

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Sniper and Demo hadn't spoke a word to each other for most of the trek across the void. Medic was just as quiet, his face shifting between fury and melancholy. Tractus led the group with a huge smile on his face.

"Now, an interesting fact about the subconscious," he said, "is that there are are millions of layers to explore, and only a few are open to each person! It's like having your own key card to a universe! Isn't that swell?"

"Real swell," Sniper mumbled, pulling his hat further over his forehead.

Tractus's grin became even wider. "Don't you worry, the crankiness will wear off in a bit. Your minds will be synced up to the subconscious, and that's when we have the real fun!"

"Be still, my beatin' heart," Demo said, rolling his eyes. "What could be better than walkin' down a chalkboard?"

"What an insightful phrase! It is like a chalkboard, and the worlds of your dreams are yet to be drawn by skilled hands!"

Medic, who was nearest to Sniper, said, "I might not have chosen very vell. He reminds me of zhose people on airplanes zhat you can't qvite trust."

Sniper shrugged. "At least they are somethin' to look at. This guy looks like he's in the Lollipop Guild."

"You are right," B.L.U Medic said quietly. "Or perhaps an Oompa Loompa."

Sniper looked at Tractus, then leaned towards the doctor.

"Let's make a deal, yea?" he whispered. "Right now, we're all split up, and we're the only three here that we can rely on. Well, maybe not Demo, not right now. He's kinda screwy about the whole rivalry thing. Anyway, we need to stick together. If you want to be part of the team, though, you gotta work with us. No more throwin' knives, no more callin' you a prisoner. Fair?"

B.L.U Medic smiled for the first time in many hours.


"Alright, everyone," Tractus called, "there is just one of you who still need to sync up. Remember, teamwork make the subconscious work!"

All eyes turned to Demo, who was looking more stubborn than ever before.

"What do you want me to do? Stand on m' head?"

Sniper mused on an idea, then reluctantly spoke.

"Don't make me do it, mate. I didn't want to, 'cause you're my bosom buddy, but I don't think I have a choice."

"Do what?"

"Here it is. Bloody sorry. But...think about your mother."


"What did she always say?"

"SHE- she said...c'mon, it doesn't make any sense here..."

"What did she say to do to everyone, no matter what?"

Demo rolled his eyes, but complied. "'Think like a blank slate, talk like God's milk and honey, and act like brothers.'"

"Are you doin' that?"

A sigh.


B.L.U Medic's eyes were wide, and the edge of a laugh was on his lips. Demo growled.

"What's so funny? Do Nazis not have mothers?"

"I am not a Nazi," B.L.U Medic corrected. "Zhat vas before my time. But I did have a mozer, zhough her vords veren't as charming."

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