Chapter 3

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Stan laughed at Kyles stupid jokes, nudging him. "Dude!" He exclaimed. "Stop joking about that shit! My stomach hurts!" Kyle wiped away his tears and placed a hand on Stan's shoulder. Stan looked up at his friends awkward smile.

"Are you okay? I don't want this all to just seal you're pain." Kyle asked and Stan smiled back.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I just hope that I got the wrong idea about it all."

"Me too buddy, me too." Kyle then went back to the deck of 'cards against humanity' and sighed heavily. Stan looked at him, concerned, then gave him a lolly ring.

"You seem upset." He said, putting one on himself. "What's up? You've been acting weird all day. I know that somethings bothering you. I can see it in you're eyes."

"I'm alright, bud. Just been having 'one of those days'. You know? When you feel that the world hates you? That you...that you're hated by everyone and the world wants to punish you for being mean to people?" Stan smiled and sat back against his bed frame, relaxing.

"Yeah, everyday. Well, most days, but I feel really heavy, ya'know? I feel like everyone hates me as well, even if I have many friends and they say that they'll never leave me, I still feel like I'm so alone n' shit. You may say after me, 'I'll never leave you', but I still feel like it. And I just feel like I need to talk about how I feel, but I don't want to bother them. And I'm scared that they won't understand me, or think that I'm really self-centred. I'm sorry, I'm rambling." Kyle looked at Stan's red face. He took his hand and put it in his lap, Stan looked up.

"Don't worry. Just talk, it's alright. I'm always gonna be here for you, and if you need to talk then do it. No hesitation or regret, Alright?"

"Yeah okay. Is it okay if I do it another day maybe?"

"Of course, when you're ready." They both sucked their lolly's and looked out of the window. It was raining and lightning could be heard from a distance. Kyle shrieked then shifted next to Stan. "Sorry." He said. "I'm afraid of lightning."

"It's okay." Stan drew a blanket over him and smiled at his red face. "I used to be afraid of it. Still am a bit, but I'm better about it. But please tell me, what did you mean by you're 'own love troubles' stuff earlier?"

"It doesn't matter. They won't like me back, ever. I'm just a burden to them probably."

"I'm sure you're not, you're a delight to be around, I'm sure they'll like you back. But why did you use 'they'? Are they a girl or boy?" Kyle blushed and looked away.

"Boy." Stan looked at him acceptably, if that was even a look.

"Are you gay, dude?"

"I think I am. Girls seem really annoying but boys...I get on with them better and they seem so much cooler, ya'know? I feel weird, I don't know anyone else who's gay apart from Tweek and Craig. No one in my family is, so I don't think it's genetic." Suddenly Stan started laughing and pat his best friend on the back. "What? Is it because I'm a sad gay sod who can't even come out to his family?"

Stan looked at him and shook his head. "No, no Kyle! I'm accepting you, but that doesn't mean you should be sad. Coming out to you're parents probably isn't easy, but I might have an idea which will help." Stan then got Kyle to his feet and led him outside. They were wearing their wool coats so it wasn't too cold but still cold enough to make them shiver and have goosebumps.

Stan lived near a forest and went there when he was sad, so he took Kyle there. It was basically abandoned by animals and people all around. He took him to the top where there was a small cliff with a vast boulder on it. They stood on it, embracing the colder environment, then breathed together. The woods still swallowed their exit, but all that mattered was them at that moment.

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