Chapter 15

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Stan was hanging out with Wendy at the park, swinging on the swings together under the light breeze and sun. Summer had just started and he was already getting sweaty. Summer didn't last long, it was only a short period of time of warmness until the snow would fall again. Wendy was smiling, the sun radiating against her smooth skin. Stan loved her face, it was so soft and cute. She looked at his dumb face and giggled.

"You okay, daydreamer?" She asked and Stan looked at her and nodded with a smile. She then looked at him. The sun adding a bright beam to his grin and his eyes glistened intensely. She leaned forward, kissed him on the lips, then smiled back. "Good! You just seem to be a bit..out of it. Are you thinking about something?"

"No, not really. Now that I know that Kyle's back I'm less worried. But I shouldn't think about him too much right now, I'm with you and happy. I'm just worrying myself too much." Stan replied then stole Wendy's hands. She could tell that he was always worrying, they were best friends after all.

"It's okay to worry when you're with me. I don't mind it."

"I know I just want to enjoy myself for one second, but Kyle's a mess."

"How about some ice cream?"

"Yes please. That would make me feel much better." They went to the little café a few minutes away and embraced the cool atmosphere. The fans were whizzing around on the ceiling and everyone had paper fans out. Stan and Wendy walked up to the counter and ordered two vanilla ice creams with sprinkles. They then sat down and enjoyed the big scoops of ice cream. Wendy hummed to the sweet flavour and Stan gazed at her again.

He had moments where all he could think about was Wendy. Her silky black hair going down past her shoulders and as her top was tucked into her blue ripped jeans he could make out her curves. He nearly drooled at her attractive body but then tried to focus on what she was saying. 'Something about politics' Stan guessed then thought some more.

Her crystal purple eyes and her white grin. Her hands were slightly small with skinny fingers and her legs were slim enough for a visible thigh gap. Her breast were an average size- Wait What was he doing? Was he judging her by her body? He looked up at her again and she looked questionably at him.

"Are you okay Stan? You're daydreaming again." She asked innocently.

"Y-Yeah I'm just- Ahh I'm just so out of it today!" Stan planted his head in his hands and sighed deeply. She placed a hand on his arm and he looked up. She looked reassuringly at him and started to speak.

"It's alright, don't apologise. I get it. Are you worried about Kyle?"

"Why is it always Kyle nowadays?" Stan pointed out and she looked at him, confused. "Everything is about Kyle. No one talks about Cartman, Kenny, Butters, Tweek, Craig or even you anymore! You used to be the talk of the town before Kyle started acting up."

"Don't blame this all on him."

"I'm not but it's true, isn't it? Before his hormones started kicking in and his father started that online thing everything was fine. Now it's just depression in a nutshell for him."

"You should be respectful of his position right now. His life's turning for the worse and-"

"I've got it! He wants us to feel bad. I mean look at you, you're showing so much sympathy for him and who knows, he may be faking it."

"Don't just think stuff like that, this is serious!"

"Or is it?"

"What's up with you?"

"Haven't you seen that everything about him-"

"Enough of this!" Wendy shouted then stood up, wrapping her cardigan around her waist. "You need to start respecting other people, not everything's about you. I know what you want everyone to think about you, that you're so amazing with a scientist of a father and everyone should feel sorry for 'you' as you're sister is such a bitch to you. Well let me tell you, it isn't! Now I'm leaving and...and message me when you've thought this whole thing through."

Troubled Teens - South Park Fanfic - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now