9: Accidental Kiss.

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After the first three movies Brian called it a night and slowly everyone else went to bed as well, leaving me alone in the lounge room. I finished watching Edward Scissorhands but still wasn't tired so I surfed through TV channels the best thing on was some documentary, about the animals in Africa. But try as I might the documentary just couldn't hold my interest as my thoughts wandered onto Brian who I will admit never really left them to begin with. Seems that finally revealing the truth about my feelings to my friends had made him even more present on my mind.

"You're still up?" I heard a slightly tired male voice from the doorway. I turned to see Brian.

"Uh, yeah. I couldn't sleep" I shrugged.

"I know the feeling" He sighed.

"Well you could join me if you want" I offered, sitting up properly so that he had a place to sit down. Despite there being several other spots for him to sit and watch.

"Sure. I have nothing better to do" He responded as he took a seat on the couch next to me.

We sat in silence for about 10 minutes not speaking, our eyes were on the TV but it was obvious that neither of us was interested in what was on the screen.

"You can change the channel if you want" I told him.

I only remembered that the remote was on the arm of the couch next to me when he started to look around for it, I was about to grab it so I could hand it to him but he leaned across me and took hold of it himself.

As Brian went to sit back up his lips accidentally brushed against mine only the tiniest bit but it made both of us freeze, the remote fell from his hand and into my lap and butterflies filled my stomach. Our eyes connected and without a word Brian reached up to caress my cheek, sparks followed his touch and then to my surprise he put his lips back to my own. BRIAN WAS KISSING ME!

My brain scrambled to make sense of it all, my subconscious stepped in "Kiss him back you fool!" but before I could do anything he pulled away with a shocked, yet somewhat disappointed expression.

"Shit, I don't know what came over me. I am so sorry Riley" He apologized, an embarrassed flush tinted his cheeks.

"I- It's OK" trying to avoid his gaze I fumbled the remote into my hand and held it out for him.

He took it. "No it's not. You're my student and I-" He stressed.

"Brian" I interrupted with a stern voice causing him to look at me "It was an accident, you didn't mean it so you don't need to stress".

"But I still feel bad about it" He said.

"There's no need" I replied.

"Can we maybe not mention this?" He asked.

"Mention what?" I joked.

"Thanks" He smiled. "But I really am sorry".

"I have no clue what you're apologising for" I carried on the clueless tone.

"You're a great person, Riley. The guy who captures your heart is a really lucky guy" He stated now grinning.

"Let's just hope I capture theirs too" I answered. Our eyes locked once more as I said it and I felt the biggest urge to kiss him but I shook it off. "I'm going to bed, night" I spoke quickly and left the room almost immediately.

I had trouble sleeping and eventually I gave up trying at 7am so I went to the kitchen to get breakfast but Brian was already there making pancakes "Do you want some?" He offered as he added to a stack of pancakes on a plate.

"Yes please" I thanked him as I put 2 onto another plate and set it on the bench while I made a coffee then I sat at the bench to eat.

"You're the first one up" Brian stated, trying to make the silence a bit less awkward.

"What about you?" I pointed out.

"Waking up implies that I slept" He replied.

"That actually makes two of us" I informed.

"I couldn't stop thinking about last night. I really am sorry".

I groaned "Stop apologising. We already agreed not to mention it" I reminded.

"But I feel so awful" He said.

"We've been through this all, I forgive you, it was an innocent kiss and it meant nothing. Right?" I questioned.

"Right" he nodded. I thought I sensed some hesitation but I shook it off.

"Then forget it ever happened" I pressed.

"OK" he responded simply.  

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