31: Sickness.

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We gave ourselves three weeks before packing our belongings to prepare to move. We didn't really have too much to take just clothing and electronics as we could always come back since Hannah would be staying here so it wasn't like we had to take everything that also meant she wouldn't need anything to be ready to live on her own. 

In some ways we had to be more cautious now that we lived together. I'd either get transport to and from school by one of the group or Brian would drop me off and pick me up a little away from school so that I would't be seen in his car. 

But it had also been amazing being back at Brian's home... Our home. Being able to be close and intimate every day was such a great feeling. 

However this past week had been a bit rough as I had gotten sick, it wasn't anything serious, I would just get nauseous out of no where and could only relieve the feeling by throwing up. I wasn't sure what was wrong as I had no other symptoms of illness. I had a Doctors appointment for 3 days time. 

I was sitting in lunch time detention talking to Matt and Hannah who had begun to date a fortnight ago, already they were an adorable couple. Suddenly, my stomach churned and vile began to rise in my throat I swallowed it down as I ran out of the room.

I made it to the toilet cubical just in time to spill my stomachs contents into the toilet bowl. I vomited for probably two minutes before feeling well enough to go back to the others. When I exited the cubical I saw Mia, thankfully without Shakira, she gave me a weak smile, I ignored her and headed to the door.

"Riley wait" Mia said.

I paused "Yes?"

"You and Mr. Raux, have you two ever... you know, had sex?" She asked, she seemed kind of worried.

"What? He's my teacher!" I defended and continued toward the door but she grabbed my hand. 

"I know about you and Mr. Raux. I saw you and him kissing about a month ago" She blurted out and I froze in place.

"I-I-" I tried to think of some excuse but came out empty handed, or minded in this case.

"Don't worry I didn't tell anyone. Just please hear me out, it's important" She begged. I nodded in response, still too shocked to speak. "The day Mr. Raux tutored Shakira and I he went to the bathroom and Shakira went through his things, she found some condoms. I guess she got jealous and she stabbed holes in them, I tried to stop her but she didn't listen. I'm sorry Riley".

It took a while to register and when it did my stomach began to churn again, I once again vomited into a toilet.

"No, It's not... I can't be" I stuttered as my mind began to race, trying to think of when I last had my period but in the daze I couldn't think.

"Have you taken a test?" She asked. I shook my head "Maybe you should".

"Can you come with me?" I don't know why I was asking her. We weren't even friends.

"Sure" She gave a warm smile. "Should we leave now or?"

"Now" I answered.

She waited outside the detention room while I went to get a house key from Brian. He was really concerned and suggested he take me home but I refused.

We took Mia's car and stopped by a pharmacy to pick up two pregnancy tests in case one was faulty. Then we went home.

As soon as the front door was unlocked I ran to the toilet which I thankfully had to use, I took the both of them then went to join Mia in the lounge room while I waited for the results, which would take half hour for these particular tests.

"Why are we at Mr. Raux's house?" She asked, placing a photo of him and Caleb down on a shelf.

I paused for a moment, should I have taken her to Hannah's instead? Screw it, she already knew a lot, possibly even something that no one else did. "Well uh- I live here" I shrugged.

"It's that serious?" She questioned.

I nodded "We really love each other".

"That's cool, I guess. I mean the teacher student thing is kind of weird but I don't blame you. He is cute" Mia shrugged.

I gave a small laugh "There's more to it than his good looks" I told her.

"So what is the story with you two?" She asked, she seemed genuine and I actually felt I could trust her so I told her the story.

It's amazing how quickly things with her had changed. She accepted it right away and seemed glad we were together. 

"Why didn't you tell Shakira about Brian and I?" I asked.

"And give her the satisfaction?" Mia scoffed "I know I haven't been a very nice person to you but truth is I'm sick of having to act like a bitch. I used to try please Shakira but now I realise she's not worth it and she doesn't even appreciate me. I guess I want to be a better person".

"Well it means a lot to me and to Brian. There's always a spot open in my group if you'd like, it may take a bit of time for the others to warm up to the idea but I'm sure they won't mind" I offered.

"I'd like that" She nodded with a smile.

I glanced at the clock. "It's time" I gulped.

"I'll wait here" She said.

"Please come, I need a friend with me" I grabbed her hand.

"Sure" She smiled. 

I looked at the packet first to see what was negative and what was positive. I took a deep breath and picked up both tests. I looked to the one in my left hand first and my heart sunk, looking to the other test which also displayed two perfectly clear blue lines. Both tests were positive.

I felt a cold pressure on my forehead and groaned as I opened my eyes to a blinding light. "What happened?" I questioned clueless.

Mia's face filled my vision as she sat over me. "You fainted" she informed.

It took a while to come back to me. The tests! I grabbed one again to double check. "I'm pregnant" I whispered to myself. I had no clue what I should be feeling. My emotions were torn between ecstatic and worry.

"When are you going to tell Brian?" Mia asked.

Brian... What was he going to think?! Or do? "I don't know how to tell him" I frowned. "This is all moving so quickly, I don't know how he will react".

"Riley, it'll be alright. He's a reasonable guy" Mia promised me. I practically tackled her to the ground with a desperate hug and began crying on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry" I blubbered helplessly.

"Don't be" She comforted.

She stayed with me "Shakira is going to know I'm with Brian that we-" I began to worry even more.

She thought about it for a moment "What about Brian's brother?"

"What?" I asked her utterly confused.

"Caleb isn't it? Shakira still thinks that you're dating him. We can use that, it's at least somewhat plausible" She told me.

"You're a genius!" I shouted and hugged her once more. "It'll have to do".

"I should go, Brian will be home soon" She announced. She paused at the door "Good luck"

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