21: Distraction.

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I guess having the worry allowed me to catch up on all the sleep I had lost the previous night because I only woke up at 12PM to a phone call from Caleb, I answered and he immediately shot into the conversation "So your Dad accepted you and Brian?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm still pretty shocked with it myself but also insanely glad" I said.

"I'm so glad that it went well" Caleb said. "You know before he met you Brian was a heart breaker, he went through a lot of relationships, fuck buddies and one night stands but then you showed up and all that stopped. He has never cared about anyone like he cares about you. You're truly special to him and that makes you special to me. I'm grateful for you Ri, I have always thought that there was a part of him that was missing, but now I believe he has found that part in you".

"Brian has told me the same things and I believe him but it's so refreshing to hear it come from you. Thank you Caleb for believing in us" I couldn't help but smile.

After 15 minutes of talking on the phone with Caleb I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. As I searched the cupboard for something to eat a pair of strong arms wrapped around my torso and the culprit kissed my cheek "I see sleeping beauty is finally awake" Brian smirked.

"Good morning" I smiled, turning around to kiss him.

"Good afternoon" He corrected. "Oh and Lucas made you pancakes, they're in the fridge".

I went to the refrigerator and grabbed the pancakes out I cut up some strawberries and put them on the pancakes and got coffee. Luke and Brian were taking a lunch break.

"I'm going to be distracted from my tutoring with you in the house" Brian informed me.

"I'll stay in my room" I promised.

"I'm afraid that won't do much, being at the same place with you and not having anyone who will disagree with our relationship makes it impossible to not want to hold and kiss you" Brian said.

"Then I'll just have to find someone to spend the next few hours with" I shrugged.

When the boys went back to the lesson I went to get ready after sending all my friends a text asking if they wanted to hang out. But all of them were busy, except Matt. I didn't mind though as we did get along well now and we hadn't hung out, just the two of us, since camp.

Matt: Where are we going and when? I'll pick you up.

I replied to him: Right now, if you aren't busy? We could go to the mall?

Soon I received another text from him: I'll be there as soon as I can. The mall sounds fine.

I decided to do a bit of makeup as I waited for him, as I added the final touch of mascara there was a knock on the front door shortly followed by Luke calling out " Riley, Matt is here!"

When I got down stairs Matt was in the dining room with Brian and Luke, I was kind of hoping he'd text me when he got here so I could give Brian a goodbye kiss but instead my goodbye was a "Bye Brian, Bye Luke, good luck with your tutoring". I caught a slight look of resentment from Brian. For some reason he seemed a bit jealous of Matt since the zip line activity back at camp, especially now that Brian and I were together and Matt had become a good friend.

We had only just reversed out of the driveway when I received a text from Brian: Matt is who you arranged to hang out with?

I had to roll my eyes before typing a reply: Yes, no one else was available. Don't worry about Matt. You are my one and only <3

Brian: I trust you, it's him I don't trust... I love you <3

Me: I love you too. I thought the whole point of me hanging out with someone was so you wouldn't get distracted? Go teach Luke and don't worry about me.

Matt and I went to the mall and visited all the more unisex shops, I didn't want to bore him with girly things.

"You're so different to shop with compared to the girls I usually go with" Matt commented.

"I have my days. If you were female I'd go in all shops looking at clothes but I know that's not enjoyable for you so I'll save it for another day" I shrugged.

We drove to the lake after finishing the mall trip and got a smoothie from a café across the road before going around the walking track at the lake then we sat down and talked some, it was an enjoyable talk and we had a few good laughs.

"You're a really great person Riley, and I was, uh, I was wondering if you'd maybe like to go out with me sometime?" Matt asked.

I grew serious right away "Matt I have a boyfriend and I love him. I'm sorry if you thought this was a date or something but-" I began.

"No, no I didn't think it was a date. It doesn't surprise me that you have a boyfriend. I mean you're beautiful and amazing and just..." He was blushing "Sorry, your boyfriend is very lucky to have you".

"Actually I'm the lucky one to have him. You are a great guy Matt and one day an amazing girl will come along and you're going to sweep her off her feet" I told him.

"Right, I'm sorry" Matt nodded slightly upset.

We hung out for another half hour but the atmosphere had become slightly awkward. I do suppose rejection normally did that. He dropped me off at home after Brian had left.

"How was the hangout?" Luke asked.

"It was fine. Matt's fun to hang out with but I wouldn't have minded being tutored by the sexy English teacher" I joked.

"The sexy English teacher wasn't too enthused with you hanging out with Matt" he noted somewhat humoured.

"Brian has nothing to worry about. Yes Matt likes me but I don't have any feelings for him whatsoever, it's Brian I love" I said.

Luke had a theory that Matt had began to have feelings for me "So you finally agree that Matt likes you?"

"It's pretty hard for me to disagree now that he asked me out. I told him I had a boyfriend. But knowing he likes me makes it a lot less probable that I'll be telling Matt about Brian anytime in the near future" I answered.

"Good idea, since Matt likes you he might not give you and Brian a chance to explain the story" Luke nodded.

"But that being said, I don't think that we trust Matt as much as we should. I know we have a slightly negative history with him but he's really trying to be our friend and right all the wrongs of the past" I said.   

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