Chapter 2: Changes

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~3rd Person POV~

The sound of soft waves was peaceful. They were a sound Tarika (L/N)-Solo listened to when she meditated. But this time, she didn't hear the waves near her training spot. No, this time the sound of waves echoed throughout a marble chamber.

She didn't recognize the place. It seemed old as if it were from a time way before she was born. She ran her hand on the marble walls as she entered, trying to get a feel for the place. It felt like death. As she called to the Force, Tarika suddenly understood the feeling: she was in someone's burial chamber. The Force around her grew; it felt familiar... like her grandmother but different. Older. From what the Force told her, whoever lied here was related to her.

But she would never find out who it was exactly. Instead, she was met with a dark figure at the end of the hallway, where the sarcophagus lied. The figure was kneeling, touching something in front of the sarcophagus itself. She quietly stepped closer to the figure, and the figure took shape. Tarika could tell it was a woman, one dressed in a fine, black dress. The woman had (H/C) hair braided back and she sounded sad.

Instinctively, Tarika placed a hand on the woman's shoulder. When she did so, the woman jumped at her touch. She then stood, taking her in. Tarika's eyes widened.

It was her mother.

"Sweetheart?" Her mother questioned, her voice but a whisper. She watched as tears streamed down Mother's cheeks. She was certainly happy to see her. But why? She wasn't the one who died. "B-Baby, how are you here?"

Tarika didn't speak. She couldn't. She took in her mother's appearance instead. Mother's dress was expensive, intricate; she looked queenly. She looked the same as she did before she died, except there was something different to her eyes. There was an almost yellow hue to them that was never there before, and they reminded her of Snoke's master's eyes.

No, she thought. No, she couldn't. Her mother couldn't have fallen as she did years ago. So Tarika did the most logical thing she could: she called to the Force, her hand raised and ready. Her mother came flying to her outstretched hand and Tarika grabbed hold of the front of her dress. Mother stared at her in shock as she detached her saber from her belt.

She couldn't have evil going around, even if the evil was her mother. It pained her but she knew what she had to do; she had to deal with the evil.

Her mother only stared at her as she ran her great-grandfather's saber through her chest.

"You will be no more," she quietly whispered.


Tarika woke with a start.

Out of all of the dreams she had had of her mother in the last couple of years since her death, this was the most violent. Never had she ever dreamed of murdering her mother, even if it was just to "get the evil away." She knew her mother wasn't evil, so she feared why the Force would make her dream of such things. Especially since all she wanted was to continue to see her mother and her legacy as good. That's what she was after all.

She turned in her bed and looked over to where her father rested. He slept silently, facing the wall. He looked still, maybe even dead depending on who was looking at him. But Tarika could see the soft rising and falling of his chest, indicating that he was, in fact, alive. She breathed a sigh of relief.

She lied in bed for a few more minutes until she had determined she could no longer sleep. She looked over at the holo-clock on her bedside table. It read 0527, which made sense to the nine-year-old since the sun didn't seep through the bedroom's blinds yet.

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