Chapter 3: Readiness

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~Your POV~

The walk from my room to the bridge had me on edge. I wanted the Cataclysm to be complete and I wanted it now. The sooner we took down the Resistance, the better. I would not let them take away my position as Supreme Leader, not when I've worked so hard.

Once the doors to the bridge slid open, everyone inside turned their heads and looked at me. I didn't care that I was severely underdressed or that I lacked my mask, I let them look. Their eyes followed me as I walked up the center of the room. My own eyes stared out at the planet below us.

Exegol's colors remained the same as they were from a few years ago. The blue-hued clouds moved slowly, swirling in intricate storm patterns below. I watched them closely. While I had grown accustomed to seeing Exegol on a daily basis, I no longer wanted to see it. I, instead, wanted to see Mygeeto, the planet the First Order had claimed for the Cataclysm's construction.

It was a crystalline planet with jagged landscapes. While the surface seemed dirty, barren even, the core is what we wanted. Kyber crystals were plentiful on this planet, and we needed that to power its giant weapon. Along with the weapon's construction, a base was also made on top of it, something Hux had wanted to mirror Starkiller. I didn't mind it; it would serve its purpose well.

I could hear the bridge's doors open and close behind me, and then the sound of boots on the tile. I didn't need to look behind me to see who now stood beside me.

"Sorry I'm late," Hux said, clearing his throat.

I finally turned to look at him. His hair wasn't in its normal styled condition, instead, it was on the disheveled side. His uniform looked like it had been worn. I rolled my eyes. "I didn't call for you."

"Yet my datapad received a message saying I was needed," he replied. He looked me over, his eyes lingering longer than they should have in such a public area. "You're underdressed and without a mask. I thought you cared."

"I thought you minded your own business," I snapped, irritated. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out at Exegol. "I don't care anymore. I am the Supreme Leader and I will have everyone know that."

Hux frowned. "Fine, Supreme Leader."

"I want a report on the Cataclysm's progress," I demanded. "I want it now, General."

Hux huffed but turned to one of the officers below us. "You heard your Supreme Leader. Get her a report on the Cataclysm's status now!"

"Yes, sir," the officer squeaked out. She went to typing, scanning our information for what I wanted. From where I stood, I could see her brows furrow in concentration as she continued her search. She looked up to Hux moments later. "The Cataclysm's completion is almost complete. Our architect says it will be finished by the end of the week."

Hux went to speak but I beat him to it. "Tell the architect to hurry up on its construction. Cut breaks if he has to. I want it done in the next three days."

"Three days?" Hux asked with furrowed brows. "They can't do that."

"Then send more workers. I don't care, I want it done by then." I made sure there was authority in my tone. Hux was not one to tell me no. He'd do what I wanted, he had no choice.

"Yes, Supreme Leader," Hux nodded. When he looked at me, there was something in his eyes. Worry, maybe? It was unlike him. I didn't care. He then turned to the officer and gave her a swift nod. "You heard her. Inform the architect to double the number of workers and cut their breaks. Tell him that his deadline is three days and that if he does not meet it, the Supreme Leader will deal with him herself."

A Shattered World ~A Kylo Ren x Reader Story~Where stories live. Discover now