Chapter 4: Words Like Daggers

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~Ben's POV~

Even after fifteen minutes of searching, Rey and I still couldn't find Tarika. We looked through every hallway, every room, and there was still no sign of her. So as I leaned against one of the walls in the hallway closest to mine and Tarika's quarters, I gave a defeated sigh.

"She's here, you know," Rey explained. She leaned against the wall beside me and looked me in the eye. "No need to get all grumpy."

"I'm not grumpy," I huffed.

"See?" Rey teased. "Grumpy."

"He's always grumpy."

Rey and I turned to the sound of the new voice. Poe Dameron walked up to us like a man on a mission. I frowned. "What do you want?"

"Ouch, Ben," Poe chuckled. "I thought we were friends. I mean, we did grow up together."

I rolled my eyes. "Doesn't matter if we did. What do you want?"

Poe leaned over to Rey. "What did you do to put him in this mood?"

Rey smiled, shaking her head. "We can't find Tarika and we've been looking for a while. You know how he gets when he can't find her. He's just protective by nature." She playful punched my arm. "Isn't that right?"

"You two are annoying." I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest. "And now if you'd like to tell us what you want, Dameron, that would be great."

"Alright, alright," he said, smirking. "Your mom wanted me to get you. Said she has something important to tell you. She's in the Command Room."

I frowned again. I remembered the last time Poe was sent to tell me my mother wanted to see me. That conversation had changed my life; it was the moment that sent me away to train with my uncle all of those years ago. I didn't have any faith that this conversation would be good, not with this in the back of my mind.

I took a deep breath. "Alright." With that, I gave a worried look to Rey. "Find Tari for me, please. See if Vizla knows where she is. I'll be back."

I turned on my heel and left before I could get an answer from her. The walk from the hallway to the Command Room had me on edge. What Mother could have wanted to tell me could have been anything. Part of me feared that she was going to send me away again, or maybe tell me something horrible, like as if she were dying. I didn't want to think about that but I couldn't help it. I was worried. But as I entered the Command Room, I was taken aback to see that Mother and Vice Admiral Holdo were the only two in the room.

"Ben," Mother began, patting the seat beside her, "come sit. We have much to discuss." I didn't reply. Instead, I only did as she asked. I took a seat beside her and she put a hand on my shoulder. "Well, I shouldn't beat around the bush. I'm stepping down from my position as general."

"What?" was all I could say. Mother had been in politics, fighting this fight against all evil, ever since before I was born. I couldn't even begin to imagine anyone else in charge. Hell, I didn't want to think about it.

"It's time for me to retire, son," Mother said with a solemn tone. "I have been leading us for years and I am simply tired. I will be here still, of course, I'm not going anywhere. I just want time to focus on you and Tarika. I want the time for what's left of my family and I can't get that if I'm still in this position of power."

I was shocked. Never would I have expected this. I had always assumed that Mother would be the Resistance's general until she died. It pleased me in a way, after all, I have wanted her to step down ever since I was little. I felt myself smile. "I'm a little shocked, to be honest. You've been doing this since I was younger, but it's not like anyone is going to stop you. Even if they tried you wouldn't yield. If this is what you want, then okay."

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