Chapter Five

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3rd Person Point Of View

"Guys!" Taehyung announced excitedly, slamming the door behind him. "I got Girl Scout cookies!" Jin's head shot up and his eyes widened once he saw Taehyung pulled in a wagon full of cookies.

"Kim Taehyung!" Jin walked over to Taehyung, disbelief in his eyes. "How much money did you spend?"

"I bought 173 boxes." Taehyung smiled and Namjoon snorted. Jin's jaw dropped and saw the five other wagons by the doorway.

"You did not just spend $865 on cookies." Namjoon grabbed a box of Samoas and started to eat them, sitting on the countertop.

"The girls were so cute and I just couldn't resist!" Taehyung was then yelled at by Jin as Yoongi started bringing in the wagons and putting them in the corner of the kitchen.

"Ariel is going to kill you for spending all of that money." Hoseok took some cookies from Namjoon and sat next to him, but on a stool. "But good job, I love these things."

Ariel was in charge of picking up Jungkook from school today. She stood, leaning against the black lamborghini dressed in all black with dark shades on, her fiery hair pulled into a high ponytail. Every guy stared at her as they passed and some asked to get pictures taken which she of course, threatened them with death. Every girl either looked at her with disgust, jealousy, or awe. It wasn't every day some badass woman stood outside their school.

When Jungkook saw the crowd, he knew it was either Ariel, Taehyung, or Yoongi outside waiting for him. They were the ones that always came in a flashy manner. Taehyung did it humorously, Yoongi and Ariel were badass.

Jungkook's Point of View

"Excuse me, sorry, coming through." I pushed through the crowd slowly, trying to get to my boss. "I know her." I finally made it to Ariel and she ruffled my hair, opening the passenger door for me, all of the guys whistling as she joined me in the car.

"Everyone there is a dickhead." Ariel pressed a button and my suit was displayed behind us. "We have a mission." Ariel flipped everyone off as she drove away, going just above the speed limit, respecting the law for once. I do know her weakness, kids. Whether she admits it or not, she loves them.

"What's the mission?" I started to srip in front of her, neither of us caring. Her eyes were on the road and mine were on my suit.

"We got a meeting with a Boar. You're posing as my bodyguard." Ariel handed me a strip of material, eye holes cut out in them. "And I'm obviously going to be Swan." I couldn't help but feel my heart beat quicken in my chest.

"But I'm 16. I can't pose as some huge ass bodyguard." I frowned, my shirt still in my hands as I tried putting the pieces together.

"I wouldn't have you on this mission if I didn't think you were the one to be here." Ariel didn't even glance in my direction as I finally pulled my shirt on. "You have the body of a 21 year-old man." And then she threw a punch at me, my hand immediately catching her fist. "And perfect reflexes." I saw a small smile on her face which made me even more confused. She never smiled. "You'll be fine."

"Is Namjoon going to be watching over?" I cleared my throat and double checked my gun was loaded.

"It's an isolated spot." Ariel explained, a slight grimace in her voice. "No contact with the outside world. Boar is smart." She took a turn to a place I've never been to and I lost track with where we were. "Don't worry Kid." I turned to her, my eyes wide. "I've got your back."

I know.

"You will go by Seven and only address me as Swan, understood?"

"Understood." I nodded, checking my gun again, anxiety causing my fingers to shake slightly. But just enough for Ariel to notice and sigh.

"You won't be alone." Swan reassured, confidence in her voice and those were the last words we spoke of non-business matters. We drove at least 30 more miles until we finally were at our destination.

A warehouse. A creepy old house. That's all you need to know.

"Put on your mask." Swan elbowed me before putting on her own, white mask, just like mine. "You still have to go to college."

"College?" I frowned, tying the knot. "I'm thinking about dropping out of high school." Swan froze and slowly turned towards me. I snickered and jumped out of the car before she could catch me. My face immediately dropped into a serious one as I adjusted my jacket, feeling the most badass I ever have. Walking around the car, I opened up Swan's door, offering her a hand as she stood up. Her black jumpsuit or whatever girls call them made her look like a mafia boss-oh wait.

These sketchy looking men came and led us inside, a gun strapped to each man's back. And then we were inside.

"I don't shake hands." I kept my hands behind my back as Swan sat down on her chair. The Boar guy-didn't catch his name- was trying to act friendly. No, I can see through him.

"Swan, nice to meet you, finally." He kissed her hand just before she slapped him.

"Sit down." She growled, crossing her legs. "I'm here for compromise, not flirting." Boar Man sat down with a grimace. Swan shouldn't have done that, now he's pissed. I watched as the men edged closer to our chairs and I slipped my knife into my hand from my sleeve.

"You." Boar Man pointed his finger at me and Swan's hands tightened around the armrests. "You're 16. What's your name boy?"

"Seven." I replied, raising my chin slightly, not displaying any emotion on my face, just what Swan told me too.

"Wrong." He took out a gun and aimed it at me. "Jeon Jeongguk." I pushed Swan to the ground just as Boar Man shot his gun, just missing me I'm sure. I swept his feet out from underneath him and wrestled him for his gun. Three more men joined our fight and I managed to kill one, the other punching me while I finally got the gun from him. He was dead but I only injured the boss. We still need that information.

I will not make the same mistake as Jimin and get Swan hurt anymore.

"Seven!" A muffled shout from a very familiar voice called out from behind me. They had her on her knees, arms held by two men each, and a gun to her head. I dropped my gun and knife immediately, putting my hands up so they could see them.

"Listen, we can talk this out." I felt my hands shake as I forced my breathing to be even. "No one else has to die."

"Except you." A voice growled behind me and a blow to the head knocked me to the ground, everything going dead beside my hearing. I heard her scream, an emotion in her voice. Fear.


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