Chapter Fourteen

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Namjoon's Point Of View

"No fucking way." Ariel scoffed from looking over my shoulder, her hand beside my mouse. "They're right there?" I looked up at her. 

"I mean..yeah? The heat signatures show they have a captive-"

"Perfect." She ran out of the room and I knew I made a mistake.

"Ariel!" I shouted, running after her. "We need a plan!"

"I break in, get my brother back, kill them all." She growled, loading her gun, walking past Taehyung. "A perfect plan."

"Sit down." Yoongi was at the end of the hall, his gun at the ready, aimed right at Ariel. "Now."

"Fuck." Ariel raised her own gun, her glare settled on Yoongi. "You."

"Put down the guns!" Jin ran up the stairs, his pink apron still on from the dinner he was just making. "Both of you!" Neither Ariel or Yoongi moved, much less breathe. "For fucks sake." Jin hissed and grabbed the gun from Yoongi, Ariel further down the hall. "We have children here!"

19 hours later...

"Calm down Ariel." Hoseok crossed his legs as we sat in the back of the Lambo, the others in the Mustang. "We are going to be fine."

"This is what I've been training for." Ariel looked up at Hoseok, not a single emotion in her eye. "Ever since they took him from me, everything has been for this exact moment." She looked down. "I'm getting my brother back."

Ariel's Point Of View

"One!" I screamed over the gun fire, running to the man being protected, the gunmen surrounding him firing at my team, but we were fast. "Follow me!" I fired as I ran, but I needed...

"I got your back!" Five followed me, but stopping a certain point so he'd stay covered.

"Do you have him yet Two?" I gritted my teeth, jumping onto the crates. These damn warehouses. Too may crates and too many guns. I should've brought more men-

"Swan!" Jungkook screamed and I fell, crashing into a goddamn crate.


No, I shot him. I shot the man, Boar's leader.

I shot as I fell.

"Throw the bomb Six!" Three...Three, no...not yet...we need my brother.

"Hey, hey." Seven..Jungkook, he took off his mask and smiled? "Ariel, look at me." He closed his eyes after there was fire, fire exploded all around him. 

"A bomb?" My voice...that's not my voice. Why do I sound so weak?

"I thought you were covering her?" One screamed and I saw Five fall to the ground. His face was bleeding.

" was me!" I groaned and my hands found their way to my stomach. Blood. "I stood up."


It's him.

"S-S-Sehun?" I squinted my eyes, only seeing my team. Seven...that means...there's eight now. "Sehun." I sobbed out, my tears flowing down my face. Jungkook left my vision, but his hand still held mine.

"Hey Buggy." It really was him. Those were the nicknames he called me! My mission...I completed my mission. "It's me Ariel. I'm okay."

"I,I..." My free hand cupped his cheek and he held it against mine. Blood trickled from my nose, touching my lips ever so. "I completed my mission." I heard cries...Five...Three..One? was all of them. My team was crying, for me.

"You did Ariel, you did." Sehun was crying too. He never cries....Only when mom died.

"Am I going to die?" My voice cracked and Sehun's face crumbled, looking away for a second.

"Thank you for everything Ariel." Yoongi spoke and my eyes blurred as they moved to focus on him. He stood, back straight, tears ruining the sight of a perfect soldier.

"We love you, so much." Taehyung's voice shook, but he made it. He said the whole sentence. I'm proud of him.

"I'm proud of...of all of you." I smiled as Jungkook tightened his hold on my hand. "It was a have you on my team." So many, emotions hit me at once. All of the happiness I had while I was with them, I could let it go now. I smiled, a happy smile. "Thank you all." I coughed, my throat feeling like it ripped in half.

"You can rest now Little Sis." Sehun's was the only face I could focus on. I can't hear my heartbeat anymore... Where did it go? "You saved us all. We'll be okay."

They'll be okay.

I completed my mission.

And I died with the ones I've ever loved surrounding me.


End of You're In or You're Dead


That was hard for me to write.

But, Ariel succeeded. I'm glad I could give her that.

Thank you all for reading. I loved all of your support and votes. Thank you.

Hope you enjoyed!

I might do an extra that shows Bangtan's life after the mafia. But...we'll see :)

Love you StarLights

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