Chapter Nine

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Jungkook's Point Of View

"You really thought you could escape that easily?" Kane laughed, shoving Taehyung down with his foot, his gun still aimed at me. I felt blood stream down my face, warming my lips as I smiled softly, glancing behind him. "You can't escape me! I'm the most powerful person here!"

"No you're not." I slowly lowered my hands. "She is." And Ariel tackled him to the ground, her knife slashing him up like a wild animal. She growled as he screamed, his gun gone, him defenseless. I looked up and saw the others running towards us, Hoseok covering his ears as he pushed a button on the remote.

The whole building exploded. Yoongi was shooting as he ran backwards, Jin helping him maneuver.

"Ah my Jungkookie!" Jimin exclaimed and kissed my cheek, a bright smile contrasting the blood on his face. "Glad to see you alive!" I swallowed a sob of relief as Jin and Yoongi reloaded their guns, sitting on motorcycles, Hoseok shooting with one arm, his other limp and bloodied. Jin and Yoongi killed the rest of the men, driving their motorcycles to dodge their bullets. They quickly left, Taehyung in the driver's seat while Namjoon fumbled with his helmet. 

"Fuck it." He threw the helmet at a body of a faceless man and drove off, a little wobbly, but smooth as he followed the eldest on their bikes.

"Seven." Hoseok practically dragged me to the car, opening the door and pushing me inside. "Start patching yourself up." He was smiling, and crying. I nodded and he shut the door, turning to Ariel who had amputated Kane's arm. Hoseok was yelling at Ariel, but she wasn't responding.

"She's fucking crazy." Taehyung choked out, nausea in his voice.

"She's getting revenge." I looked forward, not wanting to see her cut off his nose. "For her and I." Her rampage ended with Hoseok aiming his gun at Ariel, Ariel leaving her knife in Kane's neck. She stood and wiped her hands on her leg, looking, calm.

"Drive." Ariel spoke after sitting beside me in the back, Hoseok in the front. And, we were on our way home. I got one hell of a headache, but, I'm free.

That's when I collapsed against Ariel, letting my body relax, letting my emotions go. I survived a kidnapping. I, survived.

"It's alright Jungkook." Ariel accepted me under her wing, brushing my hair out of my eyes. "You're alive. We got you. You can rest now. You are safe." I did my best to wrap my arms around her, tears forcing my eyes to stay closed. She got what I was going for and hugged me, allowing me to rest against her, just like she said.

She showed emotion, sympathy, compassion. 

She is a human, just like me.


Hoseok's Point Of View

"He's still alive! Right?!" I ran after the nurses, Jungkook being rolled away from us. Ariel grabbed me from the back of my jacket, stopping my chase. "He's....don't let him die."

"Remember what I said?" She whirled me around, glaring into my eyes. "Everything is okay as long as I'm here. He's not fucking dead, understood?" I nodded, forcing my tears to stop, forcing myself to eliminate emotions.

But it all brought me back to hours ago.

When I was going to kill myself.

"Hoseok."  Ariel held her hand out to me, my gun wavering as it was aimed at my face, tears finally escaping my eyes, my wall. "Put it down."

"I can't-"

"Put the fucking gun down!" She aimed a gun at her own forehead, her face filled with rage, her eyebrows wavering slightly. But I....I can't.....I can't do this-

A gunshot sounded.

It wasn't from me.

She shot my gun from my hand.

"Can you sit down with me?" Taehyung smiled softly and took my hand into his own. "I have coffee if you want some." I took a deep breath and my lips curved upward, ever so slightly.

"Of course Tae."


Yoongi's Point Of View

"My father knows we succeeded." Ariel sat across from me, a newspaper in her hands, sunglasses covering her bruised eyes. 


"Boar shot up one of his bases." Ariel pushed her glasses down so I could see her eyes. "Out of anger he isn't fucking stupid." I crossed my arms and nodded once.


"Don't." She warned, always have hated the sappy stuff.

"Thanks for looking after us."

She threw her newspaper at me, a smile on my face as I whacked it away.


Jungkook's Point Of View

"Ariel!" I gasped and sat up quickly, a nurse dropping her notebook in shock, quickly putting on a smile. "I'm sorry." I relaxed, not knowing why Ariel's name was at the tip of my tongue. Jin snorted from beside me, closing his book and standing up, adjusting his jacket. He was cleaned up, a suit jacket with a white t-shirt on, glasses, and....

"Like my hair Kid?" Jin pushed his blonde hair out of his eyes. I rolled my eyes and laid back down, crossing my arms.

"Makes you look like a punk." I smiled over at Jin while the nurse wrote some things down and pushed some buttons on the heartbeat monitor. 

"Glad you're awake." He offered me a fist punch which I gladly accepted, everything feeling normal once again. "Buddy."

"Don't call me that." I threw back the covers and was met with a cast. "Fuck."


Ariel's Point Of View

"I will cut off your tongue and shove it down your throat if you try to hug me one more time." I spoke as I side-stepped Jimin and his open arms, my hands behind my back, both hands wrapped and stitched after my fight with Kane.

"You're getting more creative each day." Taehyung spoke, sipping his coffee, his jacket loosely around his shoulders. "I wonder what tomorrow's threat is. I'll make a rope with your toenails and choke you with it?" That caused me to snort, but cleared my throat, hiding my smile as we walked to the exit, Jungkook following with his crutches.

"Cripple." I heard someone whisper with a smile and Jungkook swung his crutch at Hoseok, laughs from both of the boys echoing in the street. Glad we are back to normal-

"Miss?" I little boy grabbed my hand, all of us stopping our walk. "Please help us. These men keep threatening us with guns and my little sister and I don't want to die. Please."

"Oh shit."

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