Chapter Eleven

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Jin's Point Of View

Only one person put the kids to bed last night. Do you know who it was?


"Okay if you all have any nightmares at all, you come get me, okay?" I listened from outside their door, smiling as the kids giggled. "I will grab my nunchucks and stand in there, ready to fight any of those nightmares. Sounds good?"

"Yes!" They all exclaimed and I heard Ariel laugh softly.

She never laughs.

"Goodnight Loves." She flipped off the switch and I backed away from the door, crossing my arms and smiling once Ariel shut the door behind her. "Not a word Kim." She pointed her finger at me, glaring daggers through the dark. I held up my hands in surrender and smiled. She nodded and a hint of a smile was on her face.

Now it was time to put the other kids to bed.

"Jin!" Taehyung whined, pulling his blanket back from me and a tug of war match ensued. "We were awake! We are still watching the movie!"

"You two were cuddling with another." I called him and Jungkook out, Yoongi chuckling from the recliner, a bowl of half eaten popcorn in his lap.

"We were not!" Jungkook cried out, wide awake now. "I would've known. I'd have a boner by now." We all groaned and Taehyung tackled him to the ground, not caring about Jungkook's broken leg. He was careful with it, and it was nice for Jungkook to have a sense of normal again.

"Where are you going?" Jimin called out, standing up from leaning against the couch, his eyes on Ariel.

"Ana said they have a dog at their house that they couldn't get back." Ariel pulled her hair tight, her helmet underneath her arm. "I'm going to get it."

"It's probably dead." Namjoon warned, playing some sort of game on his phone, not even looking up, surprising me that he was actually paying attention to our conversation.

"I know." Ariel strapped her gun to her leg, sighing before looking back at us. "I'll just break into a pet store and get a new one."

"You better leave money by the cash register." I warned, her rolling her eyes and held out her hand. "You're a child." I handed her a few hundreds, she snatched it quickly before I could rethink my decision.

"You're only a few months older."

"Jin's older than Ariel?" Taehyung gasped, Jungkook's good foot pushing against his face and the two froze. I smirked and looked back at Ariel who flipped us off and left, her motorcycle roaring to life soon after.

"No way." Jungkook laughed, on top of Taehung now.

"Technically Jin, you could boss her around." Hoseok pointed out, sipping hot cocoa from his mug.

"I do." I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. "I keep her from dying."


"I buried the dog and found this little shithead." Ariel groaned as the dog she was holding licked her face again. Once she placed him on the ground, he jumped up on her leg and panted, wanting a treat or something.

"Awh!" Hoseok was the first to pick up the new dog, the youngest four passed out on the couch. "He's adorable."

"Blue." Ariel took the glass of water I handed her. "That's what Ana said his name was."

"A very hyper German Shepherd." Yoongi commented, side stepping the dog as it ran to him. Blue slid across the kitchen tile as his nails scratched the ground, trying to stop himself from sliding.

"Those boys are always asleep on there." Ariel shook her head as she saw Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook peacefully snoozing against each other. It wasn't peaceful for long for Jungkook thrashed around suddenly, Taehyung waking up after being smacked, Jimin awakening because his pillow, Taehyung, had moved, and Namjoon because Jungkook had begun to sob. "Hey." Ariel held Jungkook's limbs down, hitting his face lightly as we all gathered around, concerned for our youngest. "Wake up Jeon."

"Aubrey." Jungkook gasped, tears smeared across his face, his eyes flying open. "They killed Aubrey."

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