Another Exam ?

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The wait for the final results seemed to be too much for Shambhavi. A whole month, she thought woefully. It meant 4 weeks, which in turn meant 30 days, that is 720 hours. God, it was difficult! She had gone back with a heavy heart but upon reaching home she had informed her two younger sisters that the interview went well.

She could not bear to see disappointment or sorrow on their faces and vice-a-versa. So, she hid the fact that she herself had no hopes of being selected. She had relayed all that she could in a very joyous manner.

Later on, when she was alone, Shambhavi reflected on the interview and thought about all that transpired. She knew that it was her last chance to get admission to the Indian Army. After all, she was 23 and the age limit was 25. She did not even remember this earlier. She had been so busy in her job and raising her sisters that she had forgotten this dream of hers.

It was her sisters who had filled out the form and given her the application to be sent and reminded her that it was the last year she could enter. Every year she would prepare for the exam and every year she would use the money saved for her sister's education.

Now that Adhya, the elder one of her younger sisters, was a graduate with a well-paying job and Nitya the youngest had a full scholarship for her first year in medical school, she had run out of excuses to not give the exam.

Adhya and Nitya had saved from their pockets to pay for her application, so she had to apply, not wanting to upset them.

As she kept on pondering, she was joined by her sisters. Nitya the youngest asked her what she was thinking, and she answered that she was thinking about the Academy.

Nitya looked at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Why? Did you meet a handsome officer that you can't stop thinking about?"
Shambhavi was immediately reminded of Captain Chauhan. Seeing her sister zone out, Nitya shouted, "Oh My God, Tai! You did meet a handsome officer!"

Adhya also joined in, "Haww, Tai! I thought you would concentrate on your interview, but you were busy ogling a handsome man in a uniform."

Nitya laughed looking at Shambhavi's baffled expression.

"I did not ogle at him. He took my interview, you idiot." Shambhavi lightly smacked Adhya on her head, "and you are one to say, soon-to-be wife of one squadron leader Mritunjay Bajaj." Shambhavi loved teasing her about the impending wedding.

Soon the girls were teasing each other, while all worries Shambhavi had, were put aside. Moments like these were what made Shambhavi work harder in her life and gave it a purpose. These moments were why she wanted to excel in IOTA.

The wait was cut short when she received a call from Major Khan in two weeks. Major Khan wanted her to come to the academy 2 days later. Shambhavi and her sisters were surprised and urgently booked a flight.

Being at the Academy so soon was not what she had imagined. She went straight to Major Khan's room.

Major Khan in her usual stern voice said, "There are many other candidates that have scored better than you in the Physical exam." Shambhavi kept her face impassive on hearing that but from the inside, she was breaking. "But I see potential in you and Captain Chauhan would not send you over to me if he had not seen the potential in you as well. So, I'll give you another chance." She was relieved as Major Khan continued, "Today you will give the physical again and it will be harder than the normal exam. If you fail, then there is no coming back," Major Khan said gravely. She dismissed Shambhavi after that.

Shambhavi went down and saw the obstacle in front of her, a track of 1 Km and another 50 meters of taking 5 sacks of cement from one side to another, one by one. All of it had to be completed in 15 minutes.

The 1 km track was easy. She had been practicing it since she was in the 12th grade. The sacks were heavy, and she got a taste of just what the Indian Army entailed. But she pushed through. This is what she was here for, anyway. The last sack of cement was tied with another and she did not have enough strength to lift them both.

She was startled by a pocketknife landed next to her. She turned around to see a girl about her age giving her a thumbs up. She was extremely grateful. She quickly cut the rope and took the last sack of cement to the other side, completing the drill with 20 seconds to spare.

Going back to Major Khan's room with the orderly who held her report, which was thankfully satisfying. She hoped to have a chance. She saw the same girl waiting outside Major Khan's office too. While the orderly went in, she went to the girl and thanked her profusely.

"I thought if I am not going to enter, I might be able to help you get in," she said with a sad smile.

"Why do you think so?" Shambhavi asked curiously.

"I have a medical history that might stop me from being a preferable candidate," the girl replied.

Shambhavi said, "Well I bombed my physical, and here I am, so if you are here today then you have something that was too hard to overlook. I am sure whatever the history is, you'll overcome it."

She was called in the office. Major Khan looked at her and gave her file back with a stamp of approval on it before speaking up, "I see potential in you, and I sincerely hope that you will prove your worth. I'll be seeing you in a month from now, Cadet Vyas."

Shambhavi was out of words at the moment. She could only come up with a small 'Thank you' after which she left the office but stayed behind for the savior girl.

The girl came out with the same look that Shambhavi had on her face. She held out her hand and with a proud smile introduced herself, "Cadet Anisha Singh Saxena."

Shambhavi smiled too, albeit not as wide as the bubbly girl in front of her. Shaking her hand, she said, "Cadet Shambhavi Sakshi Vyas."

A new but strong friendship was born. They exchanged numbers and were walking outside when they saw two captains walking on the other side of the courtyard.

Shambhavi looked at Captain Chauhan who winked at her with a smile and congratulated her and she smiled back with a nod. Shambhavi did not miss the look that passed between the other Captain and Anisha, and neither was it missed by Captain Chauhan.

Promising to stay in contact, the girls bid farewell to one another and went back to their respective cities.

Shambhavi went home and showed her file to the girls to which they all squealed in happiness. They had an impromptu party with tea and samosas thereafter.

Finally, after a long time, Shambhavi thought her life did not seem so bleak. It was no longer a never-ending cycle of work and responsibilities. She had a chance to fulfill the dream she had since the tender age of 16. She would have the chance to fulfill the promise she made to herself, to show Him, his mistake.

A new life was awaiting her, a better life, a life their mother had dreamed for her girls.

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