Is This The End?

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As soon as he uttered the words, he knew he had potentially undone his life's hard work in one sentence. It was split second of losing control over his temper. The words spilled out of him, unbidden.

A deathly silence prevailed in the room. Every eye turned towards Narayan. Everyone was now aware of his crime. So, Narayan thought why not own up to it.

He was about to say something when the dead bodies rose up. All three of them. While Shambhavi had a bandage around her head, a few cuts and bruises on her arm, the other two were relatively fine.

A few minor bruises were all they had sustained.

Aniket, Advith and Anant also entered the scene as if they had been lying in wait for Narayan's confession, which they probably were. He looked around the room and saw that all of them were in on the plan.

It was a plan to overthrow him. Overthrow Narayan Vashisht.

"Oh, thank god. I thought we would have to stay for a long time. But thank you, Dadu, you made it all very easy," Raghav said with a smug smile on his face, dusting himself off.

Nitya giggled at Raghav's words.

Narayan was practically red with all the anger in him. He had been fooled by idiots. He had been fooled by girls.

"You all think that this will be enough to catch me, don't you? Let me tell you it won't be!" Narayan told them.

Even if he were to be arrested for an attempted murder, he had money and friends owing favours . He also had several secrets of people high up in the system. He could easily blackmail his way out of anything.

"You do not know the power I have. I will not be defeated by three measly girls," Narayan Vashisht said with all his might and all his hatred.

"Don't worry, Papa Ji. We know we will be able to end you once and for all, " Aarti said this while Yash came forward with papers in his hands.

They both handed the papers to Narayan with smiles on their face.

"The papers are for all the businesses the Vashisht family has. All of them are now in the name of the kids. You do not own any money. You certainly don't have any more power on that front," Yash informed Narayan.

He went through the papers and they were indeed what Yash was telling them to be. All the power had been transferred to Yash's children.

Shambhavi, Adhya, and Nitya owned 28.3% of all the shares of his family while Raghav owned the left 15%. Shambhavi had the veto power and the power of attorney was with Aarti.

All his life he had spent in taking this business to the height it was at today.

"Yes, all the board members have thrown you out. I started concocting this plan since the day you made me leave Sakshi, since you made Aarti marry me. 20 years, it has taken me 20 years of my life to undo all that you have done," Yash said.

This had always been the plan. This was the original plan. Now, it was finally time to reveal it all.

"You own nothing, not the business, not this house, not the business abroad. Those have been transferred to  your daughter. All the businesses and properties in India have been transferred to my daughters and son."

Yash seemed very proud of his work.

All the kids looked shell shocked at Yash's declaration. They had no idea. They just knew about today's plan.

Yash winked at Shambhavi who was looking at her father in awe and surprise.

"Aarti has the power of attorney for everything," Yash added.

Aarti looked at him with wide eyes she had thought the power of attorney was with Yash. Yash smiled at her. In 20 years that they had been together, this was the first time Aarti felt as if her husband had accepted her.

"As for how they are alright," Yash said pointing towards his children, "Me and Aarti knew you would not sit quietly. So, we had help following us and keeping an eye out for the girls."

The said help was Advith, Anant and Maan Singh, Aniket's bodyguard and the most trusted advisor to Aniket, as well as Aniket himself.

"Advith and Maan Singh had been following our tail all day long. And the accident actually happened. They were saved only because Shambhavi is a quick driver and a very intelligent soldier." The pride was visible in Yash's eyes when he mentioned his daughter.

"When the truck was heading towards them Shambhavi turned the car to the other side. Swerving the car was smart as the car's side only got damaged by the truck before the car went and crashed into a tree," Aniket continued. "That gave me, Maan Singh and Advith the time to get them all out before the car blew up. We were able to get them to safety," Aniket informed Narayan.

"I thought that I would not be able to save us but it was my luck, I guess, that the truck heading our way stopped before it could fully hit our side just before we crashed into the tree. The driver thought we must have died or gotten seriously injured and the car blowing up was just what we needed to fool the driver completely," Shambhavi told Narayan exactly why she was standing alive and well today.

Narayan knew this was his end. A blind rage took over him as he took out a gun and pointed it at Shambhavi. But before he could fire, Aniket held a gun out pointing directly at his head. Maan Singh also had a gun pointed at Narayan.

All other occupants of the room looked on wide eyed.

"What did you think? Just because you had me sent to the LAC, I would not be able to come back? I am sure you must have taken that into account. Otherwise, why was I posted to LAC so suddenly," Aniket said, not wavering from his stand, his hands firm on the gun. "It was good that the situation at the LAC blew over pretty quickly and I was able to fly out here today," Aniket's fingers were an inch away from the trigger.

"Don't think for a second that I will be afraid of this waste of my blood and flesh," Narayan had started another one of his rants when Aniket's thunderous voice stopped him short of words.

"Be very careful of what you say. You are talking to the queen of the very land you are standing on; you are talking to the queen of Kumbhalgarh. You are talking to my wife," Aniket shouted and everyone in Shambhavi's family turned towards Aniket and Shambhavi.

"Her position does not only give her protection that is granted to all royal families of the country, it also gives her power. Power which is going to send this case to fast track court and no judge is going to listen to your blackmail or take a bribe from you because they would not dare go against a Queen," Aniket continued.

Narayan Vashisht knew he had lost his war today.

Narayan lowered his gun knowing that the two guns pointed at him could cause much more damage than the gun he had pointed at Shambhavi.

"All my life I blamed Baba Sa for my troubles. For the troubles my mother had to endure. For everything we had to go through. When in reality, it was you. Why?" Shambhavi asked Narayan, wanting to know. "Just because we are girls? Just because your son married someone he loved? What was it that me or Adhya or Nitya did that was wrong? We are all standing today on our own feet. What did you achieve with all this planning and plotting?" Shambhavi was genuinely curious. "I hope you always remember that there was a time when I used to look up to you with respect as a little girl. Then came a time when I was terrified of you. And try as may have, but today, I am not afraid of you. Not anymore.I am not that little girl anymore, who was always told what to do, how to sit and how to behave. I am older and I know my worth. You can't stop me from bringing honour to my parent's name to family's name. I am a force today. A force that you can not stop. Not me nor my sisters." Shambhavi continued looking at Narayan, her tone was gentle and her words spoken softly but the meaning was worthy of shaking the world.

"No matter what you do Narayan Vashisht, I will rise. The world will remember you as a killer. And then they will forget about you. But the world will always remember me for bringing honour to my country. They will remember Adhya's name for being the architect that built the biggest bridge of India in recent times. They will remember Nitya as the doctor that saved the lives of thousands. But you will be forgotten," Shambhavi concluded.

Narayan would have replied had the police not entered the house and started to arrest him for the attempted murder of bis granddaughters along with the female infanticide of his daughters of which they had proof.

That was the end of Narayan Vashisht.

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