His Anxiety

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The next week was quite normal for Shambhavi. Everything was going as planned; they had classes, training, study sessions, and it was only a matter of one and a half month and they would graduate and become officers in the Indian army.

Shambhavi would not have believed it a year back but now, as the time came near, she could not help but feel proud of herself.

She was going to accomplish her mother's dream, she was going to be known as Lieutenant  Shambhavi Vyas in a matter of days. She was extremely happy. But somewhere deep inside her mind, she had this feeling, a feeling that something was going to ruin this happiness, but she knew she had to let go of her inhibitions and had to enjoy this time.

That morning, Major Khan called a special assembly which was quite rare. Shmabhavi wondered what was that important.

The assembly hall grew quiet as Major khan stood on the podium to speak.

"Good morning, Cadets. Usually I would not have called for this assembly, but a ruling has been passed by the Indian Supreme Court, and as one of the Indian Army academy's Accepting Female Cadets it is essential that we tell you the ruling.

"The Supreme Court has ruled for more equal rights for female officers in the Indian Army. Earlier female officers were only commissioned for a short term of 14 years, and were not given commanding officer ranks. That will be changing. The Supreme Court has decreed that women will be allowed permanent commissions and also allowed commanding ranks such as Brigadiers and Generals."

Suddenly the whole hall erupted in thunderous applause. Shambhavi had kept up with the court case, but she did not think this would be the result.

Major Khan motioned for the hall to fall silent. "The Supreme Court has also told that someone suitable be appointed to look into allowing women to go for combat. It might take time. This ruling was a big step in the right path of equality for women in the Army. The Indian army has been commissioning female officers since 1992 but only 4% of officers are women. This ruling hopefully will start leveling the planes for women.

"Also," Major Khan continued, "Senior cadets, the training is going to get harder now as are the theory classes. I should not have to remind you that you only have 46 days left till your graduation and 30 days for your final exams. Yes, the dates of the final exams have been put up on the board. Start working harder, cadets." With that Major Khan dismissed the Assembly.

The Assembly was dismissed and all-around all that could be heard was this one ruling or the exams.

Shmabhavi knew she had to work hard in the last few days as she had been lagging behind and now she could not let anything get in the way of her becoming an officer. This was what she came for; this was what she lived for.

Nothing would stop her. Nothing.

The following two weeks were hectic for the students as well as the teachers. Shambhavi was always either training or studying for the exams. Any free time she had, was spent training personally.

Aniket was also busy preparing for the exams. One week flew by for them and  only 30 days were left, They had 15 days for the start of the exams and 30 days for graduation.

Aniket was teaching in Shambhavi's class when his phone pinged. He looked at the screen while teaching and for a moment his breath hitched in his throat. He just stared at the screen and after a minute he cleared his throat.

He went on with his lecture but Shmabhavi could see that he was tense and a bit agitated. A vein in his forearm popped out showing his tension and his fisted hands told her that he was angry too.

But his eyes were showing relief and ... a ting of happiness. Shambhavi was seeing all this and suddenly she thought when had she started to read him so well? When had she paid so much attention to him and his body language that she could understand what he was feeling with just one look at him?

The period ended and the next began but Shambhavi was anxious for the day to end so that she could talk to Aniket.


Aniket was teaching when his phone pinged and a string of messages showed up on his screen.

"It's done here is a photo of the document."

"Also, Yash Sa and Narayan Sa are coming to your academy. But all the papers are ready so you just need to worry about what happens with Nayran Vashisht there." -AYV.

Aniket opened the document and looked it all over but the last one open had his breath hitched. It was real now. It was done. The deal was sealed.

Holy shit!

He was relieved and a bit happy. Wow! Happy? Really, Aniket?

He cleared his throat and continued teaching the class and all the while he could feel Shambhavi's gaze on him, studying him. He was dreading what was to come. She would kill him.

Somehow, Aniket was able to complete the lecture and ran out of the room before anyone could even blink an eyelid.

Aniket went to his office and checked his email. Lo and behold, the complete paperwork was there.  Along with that, there was also an email from Major Khan informing him that for the week his classes would be taken over by Brigadier Yash Vashisht.

Well, fuck!


Later that evening, Aniket was sitting in his study and was emailing Aarti to know more about Yash Sir's visit when Shambhavi entered his room.

He jumped 10 feet in the air and looked at her as if she was an alien. She also just stared back. He was the first to lose because he just could not maintain eye contact for several different reasons.

"Are you blushing?" she asked, her voice sounding astounded.

He put a hand to his checks and sure enough, they felt hot. He was definitely blushing.

Shambhavi, on the other hand, was as astounded as in all the time she had known Aniket, she had seen multiple emotions in him, but never had she seen Captain Aniket Rai Chauhan, the crowned King of Khumbhalargh, blush.

"Oh my god, you are actually blushing," she said with slight shock and humor in her voice when she saw Aniket's eyes widen in realization.

"Cadet Vyas, why have I been graced with your presence at this hour?" he asked, a bit more flustered than he was before.

"Are you trying to throw me out, Captain Chauhan?" Shambhavi asked, liking how she was making Aniket blush.

"No! I was just asking why you are here?" Aniket retorted immediately.

"Why? Do I need a reason to visit? Can't I come in and see you whenever I like or check on you whenever I want?" Shambhavi asked, showing mock-offense.

"You can come in anytime, whenever you want. Nobody has that right more than you," Aniket said looking at her with a softness that Shambhavi was sure made her blush

Goodness, Shambhavi thought this was too much blushing.

She cleared her throat and broke away from his gaze that seemed to look into her very soul.

"I just wanted to ask if you were alright... umm... you seemed agitated in class," Shambhavi said, looking everywhere but towards Aniket.

"How would you know I was agitated?" he asked, a bit surprised at her concern and her guesses that he was anxious.

"Oh well, you had your hands fisted and a vein on your forearm always pops out when you are anxious or angry but your eyes were not raging, so that means you were agitated or anxious and the way you practically ran from after the class could only mean you were anxious.....and also you were biting your li......" Shambhavi would have gone on with her rant if Aniket had not come to stand right in front of her and lowered to her face's level to look at her in her eyes. Somewhere along with her rant he had moved and she had not even noticed until he was in front of her

"And I was biting my what, Miss Vyas?" Aniket asked, his voice an octave lower, making Shmabhavi shiver.

"I had no idea you paid such fine attention to my forearms, Miss Vyas," Aniket teased her some more.

Shambhavi's blush deepened and her eyes widened.

She took a step and said in a hurried tone, "I should go...." Shambhavi bolted from there although Aniket's voice stopped her on the door.

"I am fine, or I will be but I have to talk to you tomorrow morning before the drill," Aniket's voice was soft but still held a seriousness in it.

Shambhavi nodded and left.
The next morning Shmabhavi went with a cup of tea to Aniket's room. He opened the door looking as if he just rolled out of bed.

He let Shambhavi in and took the tea from her hands.

A few minutes of silence while staring at the sky as it was gaining its morning glow, made Shambhavi relax much more than chocolate ever could.

Aniket meanwhile stared at Shambhavi just thinking about how normal and domestic this moment was. He could picture a future with mornings like those every day.

They finished their tea in silence and Aniket knew it was time to break the silence and perhaps, also break the calm. Because the chaos was just around the corner.

"Your father is coming to the academy for a week's lectures and your grandfather is tagging along," Aniket said, a bit tensed.

Shambhavi looked at him and smiled, "So that's why you are tense. Choti Ma already told me this might be happening. Why are you worried?"

Aniket gave her a look saying 'You- don't- know- why- I -would- be- tense.'

"It's fine, we will deal with it and stop being tense," Shambhavi said, cupping Aniket's face in her hands, Aniket leaned into the touch.

"Shoot, I am going to be late," Shambhavi said, getting up and leaving but as she was leaving she stopped and looked at him. "You can go and meet him. I know what Yash Vashisht means to you, I know that he is like a father to you," saying this she left.

Aniket thought only if she knew what had happened. Just how right she was!

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