The King Of Kumbhalgarh

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The next morning, after the drills, Shambhavi was called to Major Khan's office and was expecting to get the details of her punishment, but she was surprised to see Major General Rathore already present there.

He had aged from when she had seen him last, not by much though. His posture was the same, his way of carrying himself had not changed. His eyes still held a power and softness in them. His hair had greyed a little. She saw him observe her, and she thought 'Does he remember?' But then quickly dismissed the thought, because if he had remembered then surely, she would not be standing in IOTA anymore.

Shambhavi was sure that her punishment was going to increase manifold. Major General Rathore was a man of power and authority and it was much clear with the way he was looking at her. She greeted him and stood in attention.

Shivankar was brought and the trial began.

"So, I have heard quite a lot about both of you, albeit from different people." Major General Rathore started in a very deep voice. "Although, what I have heard so far has been poles apart."

"Firstly, Cadet Shivankar Rajput, I did not expect this from you. It's a highly disappointing report. So, I have decided that you will be doing an extra drill every day for a week, in the evening, during your sports time," Major General had passed Shivankar's sentence and she was just hoping hers would not be so bad. "Am I clear Cadet Rajput?" he asked.

Shiavnkar replied. "Yes, Sir."

"Also take your friends with you, especially those who were present yesterday. All of them will be doing the drill with you. The orderly will inform you of the drill that I have specially planned for all of you," Major General said dismissing him.

After Shivankar had left, Major General Rathore looked back at Shambhavi. "So, it's Vyas now?" he asked, confirming Shambhavi's earlier doubts. He had recognized her. Shambhavi thought this can go one of two ways. She can deny his claims and probably get exposed or say the truth and maybe the secret could stay a secret.

"It's Shambhavi Sakshi Vyas sir," she replied honestly.

Major General Rathore recognized her mother's name as well. "Well, Cadet Vyas, I believe you have already been given the punishment so I will not be adding anything on to it, but I must impress upon you the seriousness of your action. This was the first and last time such an easy action was taken," Major General Rathore said in a stern voice and she replied with a 'Yes sir.'

"Come on, Cadet, I will walk you to the mess. I believe it is your breakfast time," MG Rathore said getting up and they both went out and were walking towards the mess when Anant and Anisha came running from the front and halted in front of them.

"Sir, with all due respect, it was not just Shambhavi's mistake. Cadet Rajput had been teasing me and her for quite some time now," rushed Anisha with an urgency.

"And, Sir, he was going to attack first. She just acted out in self-defense," said Anant trying to not sound breathless.

"Yes, Sir. He was going to attack her. Please don't rusticate Shambhavi, Sir," Anisha completed.

Shambhavi did not know if she should smack them for their stupidity or hug them for their loyalty. She was trying to cut them off, but they paid no heed to her and said whatever was on their minds. When they finished, Shambhavi was trying hard to hide a smile.

"I was not going to rusticate her, Cadet Rathore and Cadet?" MG Rathore told them and inquired about Anisha.

"Cadet Anisha Singh Saxena, Sir," Anisha said introducing herself.

"Ah, so you are Cadet Saxena. I have been hearing quite a lot about you two ladies," said MG Rathore and both Anisha and Shambhavi turned to look at Anant.
MG Rathore gave a hearty laugh seeing his younger son in distress.

MG Rathore saw Captain Rathore and Captain Chauhan going somewhere and called out to them. Both Captains looked pleasantly surprised to see MG Rathore there.

They greeted MG Rathore and the Cadets greeted them. "I was having a lovely chat with the young Cadets. And I must say these beautiful ladies are very bright," MG Rathore complimented the girls, and for some reason everyone present there, other than Major General and Anant, blushed.

"That's not fair sir you complimented the girls, not me," said Anant with a slight pout.

"If you did not notice son, I complimented them on being bright. Had I complimented them on their beauty, I would have surely included your beautiful face Anant," teased MG Rathore.

Aniket and Advith laughed while Anisha and Shambhavi tried their hardest to not burst out laughing at MG Rathore's jab and Anant's offended expression.

"I must say it is rare to see my eldest son smiling, let alone laughing. It must be something in the air," Major General now took a jab at Advith.

"No, Sir, more like someone in the air," Aniket said smirkingly with a sly look towards Anisha.

"Ah, I see, well the King has spoken," said MG Rathore and Aniket cringed at the word, while Anant and Aniket looked smug. "I am teasing my sons, Captain Chauhan. Did you think I would forget you?" MG Rathore asked Aniket.

"No, Sir, but I was hoping that you would forget," replied Aniket.

Shambhavi and Anisha looked clueless.

Major General saw them shoot confused glances to one another and clarified, "You see, ladies, Captain Chauhan here belongs to the royal house of Kumbhalgarh, of Rajsamand district in Rajasthan. In fact, he holds the title of King now."

Shambhavi was shocked to hear this piece of information. Her parents, both of them, were from Kumbhalgarh. Her mother's family was the most famous family for carrying the tradition of teaching classical dancing and classical music.

Her father had been a student of her grandfather and that was how her father and mother met. She knew that Major General was well aware of this story. After all, he was one of her father's best friends.

And Anisha was also aware that Shambhavi's family belonged to Kumbhalgarh even though all the sisters were brought up in Mumbai. Anisha looked wide-eyed towards her and just burst to speak this information when MG Rathore beat her to it.

"Yes, Cadet Saxena, Shambhavi here also belongs to Kumbhalgarh," he said with a sly smile towards Aniket, who looked at Shambhavi for confirmation.

Shambhavi looked everywhere other than at Aniket. "My parents belong to Kumbhalgarh. I am a Mumbain through and through, Sir," she said.

MG Rathore gave a laugh and said, "I would love to continue this debate, Cadet Vyas, but right now you are getting late for breakfast. So, I want all of you at my house on the base tonight for dinner. And before you two," he said pointing at Anisha and Shambhavi, "refuse I would like to point out that I am inviting you not as Major General Rathore, your senior, but as Rishab Rathore this idiot's father," he completed with a smack on Anant's shoulders.

The girls were left with no choice rather than accepting the invitation and they agreed to be present at his house for dinner.

Major General beckoned both the Captains to go with him and Shambhavi was left with Anisha and Anant.

"See, I knew that you and Captain Chauhan had some connection. I mean, you guys share some different kind of connection, you know, the whole 'it's destiny' kind of thing," said Anisha and Shambhavi gave her a deadpan look.

"Have you never heard the song 'Tera mujhse hai pehle ka nata koi, Yun hi nahi dil lubhata koi," she continued to tease. Anant was practically rolling with laughter and Shambhavi was going to smack her when Anisha grabbed her hand and took her towards the mess.

The three friends went on laughing and joking, enjoying themselves. A bond was forming that would eventually be one of Shambhavi's greatest strengths, especially in times ahead which were going to test her limits. 

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