The First Day At The Academy

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The entire next month went by in preparation for joining the IOTA. The younger Vyas girls had been over the moon for their eldest sister. So much had to be done within a month. The house rent had to be paid for a year in total by the eldest Vyas sister, while the younger sisters were busy packing everything their eldest sibling might need and buying those things that she would never buy for herself.

As the date for Shambhavi's departure grew closer, the excitement gave way to sadness. It would be the first time that one of the sisters would spend almost a year away from the others. Adhya and Nitya were sad to see their Tai having to leave for a year. That did not dampen their moods, no, for it was Shambhavi who had been responsible for her sisters from the age of 15, and it was her who was sad to leave them.

Shambhavi had always been the eldest. So, she never envisioned her sisters as grown-ups, rather she saw them as the girls who had been terrified after their mother's death. She had practically raised them. For her to leave them, was to neglect them, but she knew it would only be better for everyone's future.

Anisha and Shambhavi had been in constant touch with each other and no one could have guessed that the girls had met only a month ago.

A day before the semester would start, the Vyas sisters were found at the airport

"Tai, you have to call at least twice a week," Adhya said, being the most emotional among all the Vyas sisters.

Nitya did not say anything and just hugged her sister as hard as she could. Though to lighten the mood, Nitya said, "Tai, don't forget to get a photograph of the hot Captain who interviewed you and send it to us so that we too can ogle at his photo, if not in person." That earned a smack on both her shoulders from the elder Vyas sisters.

The Flight to Dehradun was nerve-wracking, and the journey to the Academy was more so. Shambhavi messaged Anisha and soon both the girls met up to go to the administration office together. They got their course and their schedules, which boggled Shambhavi.

Indian Military History, Military Law, Military Science and Technology and so much more, not to mention the physical and tactical training along with weapons training. God, it was going to be an eventful year to say the least.

The girls were lucky to get the same room in the girls' dormitories. Room number 210. With a key for each of them, both proceeded to their room. In the dormitory, they met Shreya Singh Rajput, another cadet and their neighbor.

There were a few senior cadets as well and when they saw that the room number 210 had been occupied, they warned the girls that the room had a history of cadets living there who had found love while in the academy. So not many girls preferred the room. Of course, it was all in jest to make the new girls feel welcomed.

Anisha and Shambhavi settled in by late evening and both informed their families about reaching via the Academy phones as their personal ones had been submitted at the office.

Shambhavi looked towards the mess longingly and asked, "When are they going to let us eat?"

Anisha, who was smiling, replied, "When the faculty is done with their dinner."

Shambhavi looked at her and pouted, "I always thought it was a stupid rule."

Anisha laughed and took out a chocolate bar from the pocket of her Kurti. She gave it to Shambhavi who took it hungrily, "That's why I always have a chocolate bar with me."

Shambhavi while munching on half of the chocolate bar said, "That, and you just love chocolate."

Anisha suppressed a giggle. The bell rang and the girls all but ran to the mess. They got their plates and were going to raid it when another cadet sat on their seat. The girls looked at him with their eyebrows raised.

"Hello Beautiful ladies, this handsome man is known as Anant Singh Rathore," he said. He was handsome, sure. Tall, dark, and handsome, with dark eyes and a good build. His aura screamed flirtatious, but his eyes were humbler, swirling with respect for the ladies. In Shambhavi's opinion, he was decent enough to be befriended.

"Singh Rathore? Are you by any chance related to Captain Advith Singh Rathore?" Anisha asked with a sudden interest in the boy in front of them.

Shambhavi was smirking and so was Anant. Over the month, Anisha had acquired a crush of sorts over the rude, no-nonsense Captain that had interviewed her. Shambhavi was given a questioning look by Anant and she just smiled.

"Why, yes! He happens to be my elder brother. And you would be Anisha Singh Saxena, I am assuming," Anant said shocking both the ladies.

"Yes, she is. Did Captain Rathore annoy you with her name as much as she annoys me with his?" Shambhavi teased.

Anisha looked at her with an agape mouth and widened eyes.

Anant gave a hearty laugh. "No, but Miss Anisha certainly left an impression on him by complimenting his smile, which, let me tell you, is hard for even me to get out of him. You are the first candidate to not be scared of him and you made him smile. I salute you, Miss Saxena."

Anisha chose to ignore both of their remarks and introduced her friend to Anant, "This is Shambhavi Sakshi Vyas."

Anant now looked at her with an interest that she did not like directed towards her, "Oh, so you are Miss Vyas that Captain Chauhan spoke so highly of. I don't know about Bhai annoying me with Anisha's name, but I am quite sure that Captain Chauhan has definitely annoyed Bhai with your name."

Shambhavi was shocked, though she did not let it show. The three continued their banter back and forth. The day ended and so far, it was good.

The next day was the start of their year-long training as a cadet in the Indian Army. Shambhavi hoped for everything to be smooth.

With that thought, she went to the land of dreams where she was met with a handsome Captain with brown eyes and a good-natured simile. Though she would never admit it to anyone, Captain Aniket Rai Chauhan had left quite an impression on her mind as well.


Tai= sister

Bhai= Brother

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