Won't Quit !

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Anisha and Shambhavi were back at the academy and it had been two days since their return. They had come back two days after the wedding while Aniket with the rest of the Rathore clan were to return that day.

The classes were also going to resume from that day onwards, so the vacation was over. On the bright side, they were senior Cadets now. Their routine was almost the same, getting up for their morning PT and drill, then breakfast, classes and followed with sports and some more drill depending on whether they wanted to do so at the moment or not, succeeded by another study session, dinner and finally, lights out. But the difference was they were now much more experienced and now the teachers were somewhat more lenient.

The results were posted as well, and it was going to leave a major effect on the successive training.

It was after their morning drill that Anisha noticed the Captains and nudged Shambhavi. She looked up and saw them both. She further cast a sly smile towards Anisha. A new sisterhood had formed between the girls, and what to say about the relation between the captains and the girls. It was strictly against rules but, it was what it was.

Shambhavi continued with her dinner and they rushed to their classes. It was after their classes that the mark sheets were put up. Shambhavi had topped the written exams and her physical score was good enough to pass. Anisha was second in the written exam behind Shambhavi, scoring just two marks lesser than her friend. Her physical was good but she just needed to pay more attention to weapons training, meanwhile Anant had topped physical and weapons examinations.

Shreya and Anthony had also done well. It was their time to rest before the evening sports and drill. So, they were sitting in the library when Shreya, with much difficulty and hesitation, asked Shambhavi, "When is Anant going to be back?" Anisha, who was drinking water, choked on it and went into a coughing fit.

Advith and Aniket had also been in the library. Upon hearing the coughing, they came around to take a look because Advith had recognized the voice to be Anisha's. She was being fussed over by Shambhavi and Shreya.
So, Aniket asked, "Everything alright, Cadets?" He internally cringed because of having to refer to Shambhavi and Anisha as cadets.

Shambhavi said, "Yes, Sir," and Shreya got out of there as fast as she could, meanwhile making an excuse. Shambhavi and Anisha burst out laughing while Advith and Aniket were completely clueless.

The girls shook their heads in negation when the captains asked them the reason behind their giggles, and also left the library. It was time for dinner and soon thereafter, lights went out. Their first day as senior cadets went by pretty normally.

They were informed that during the term they would be receiving lectures from guest lecturers like any other normal college. It was to boost the cadets' confidence with the guest's stories. Some guests could be new lieutenants who were cadets not long ago and some would be veterans who had served the army for almost all their lives.

Anant had gotten back the next day and Shreya was back to her usual self, ignoring and insulting him, though the girls now knew that it was just a front for Anant. One month passed by in peace, following a natural routine with Shreya slowly warming up to Anant, Advith and Anisha having silent conversations with each other from across the room and Aniket and Shambhavi going on walks after dinner.

Adhya had also gotten back from her honeymoon and called her Tai with so many stories to share. Nitya's first-term exams were coming up which was making her too busy.

The first lecturer was going to present that day, and no one was told who it was going to be. The morning PT and drill went by and the classes began with the new lecturer supposed to be coming to the Military law class.

Anisha froze on the spot when she saw the lecturer and Shambhavi was confused by her reaction. Then the lecturer introduced himself as Lieutenant Pranjal Sharma. Only if she could, Shambhavi would have gone and slapped him right there in front of the whole class. Anisha had cold sweat covering her forehead and she had a faraway look in her eyes.

Pranjal was teaching when his gaze went to one of the cadets sitting in the class. He was taken aback. He never thought he would be seeing her again, let alone seeing her at the IOTA. It was absolutely shocking for him. He continued his class, not letting her affect him.

Anisha's mind was no longer in the classroom. She was back at her home in Delhi. She had pleaded with him not to leave her, not to do that to her. He had given her money and told her to leave, get an abortion because he was never going to marry her. How could he marry her? She was a girl with no background and no family. He was going to marry someone wealthy and with a good family, someone his parents approved of.

He never even told his parents about her saying she was not worthy of that. How could she ever love him, was beyond her right now? She was finally reminded of the night when he had left her, that night she had lost everything, the love of her life, as well as another life which had not even been born. All because of this man.

And as soon as she remembered that horrific night a switch went off, and she hated him, anger boiled within her. Anant was also aware of her story and it was a wonder how he was sitting and hearing him speak, for he was controlling his rage.

The class got over and they were told that he would be staying at the academy for the following two days. They went to their next class and Anisha was quiet the whole day. It was sports time when they were not playing and just sitting on the ground with Anisha staring off in space.

Aniket had seen this and asked Shambhavi to come over to him, "What has been going on?"

Shambhavi said, "I would tell you, but it's not my story to tell. It's Anisha's story. I just -" she started then stopped, inhaled then exhaled. She did not know what to do. Should she go and shake that man? Ask for reasons behind his actions or should she just be with her friend? "I need you to tell Sanyukta ma'am that Lieutenant Pranjal Sharma is here as a lecturer and staying for two more glorious days."

Aniket said he would deliver the message and left. Advith had also noticed the change in Anisha and asked his brother who did not tell him anything. When Sanyukta Rathore got to know about this she asked Major Khan, who was well aware of Anisha's case, to look after her.

Major Khan had gone up to Anisha and said that attending guest lecturer's classes were optional. Shambhavi was sure that she would not go to that class, but Anisha had surprised her by saying, "I have to show him, I have spent two years of my life in depression and even today I have anxiety. I have to show him that I am not the weak 19-year-old he left, and I'll be damned if I let his presence affect me into quitting anything."

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