Chapter Eleven- 2020 NBA All Stars Chicago

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It's only been two weeks since Melanie and Devin got together, yet they've never been happier. Devin has never met anyone that has made him happier, and neither did Melanie.

To make everything even better, Devin is headed to Chicago as an All-Star, and he's never been more excited. Melanie, who he's currently on the phone with to tell her the good news, couldn't be any happier for him.

"How's your first All-Star feel, Booker?" Melanie says into the phone as she checks out from the bar to head home, smiling that he's finally getting his shot.

Devin sighs happily as he laces up his shoes to be ready for the game against the Warriors. "It's exciting," he starts. "I'm just filling in for someone, but I'm still living the dream. I hope Lillard recovers fast, though."

Melanie smiles at her humble boyfriend as she fishes her keys out of her purse. "Me, too. Regardless, I'm still happy for you. You finally got your shot."

Devin smiles. "Thanks, mamas." He sighs. "Alright, enough about me. How was work?" He finishes up lacing his shoes.

Melanie unlocks her car and gets in, locking her door immediately after getting in and checks her surroundings. "Good, actually. I was able to get off early tonight, so I'm just gonna go home."

Devin pouts a little that he won't get to see her. They haven't seen each other in a week due to Devin's busy schedule. "Well, you want me to stop by your place after the game? I'll bring some food over."

Melanie smiles. "That'd be nice, actually. I miss you."

Devin smiles as well. "I miss you, too. So, what are we thinking for dinner tonight?" Devin actually prefers spending time with his girlfriend after the game rather than going to the club.

Melanie sighs. "Honestly, I can eat anything."

Devin rolls his eyes and smiles, knowing what that's code for. "Chick-fil-a, it is."

Melanie laughs. "You know me so well."

Devin laughs. "Alright, babe, I gotta go. The game is about to start."

"Okay, Good luck tonight."

He smiles at her words. "Thanks, mama. Get home safe." They hang up, and Devin heads out for the game.

~After The Game~

The Suns beat the Warriors 112-106. Devin was currently being interviewed after showering. "Devin, how does it feel to finally get your All-Star moment?" an interviewer asks.

Devin takes a deep breath. "It feels incredible, but even though I'm going, I am just going as a replacement. I have mad respect for Damian just like he does for me, and I hope he makes a quick and full recovery," he answers, humbly.

Another interviewer blurts out another question. "Devin, there has been some photos of you and this girl released," she says. Devin smiles as he realizes she was talking about Melanie, completely aware that he's on camera. "Who is she?"

Devin chuckles at the question. "Um, she's my girlfriend, actually, but I'm not saying who she is just yet." This is gonna be on TMZ tomorrow, he thought. Let's just hope Melanie doesn't kill him.

After a few more questions, the interviewers leave, and Devin finishes getting ready to head to Melanie's place. While he gets all his stuff together, Kelly comes up to him. Devin looks up. "'Sup?" he says.

Kelly nods as a greeting. "Not much, man," he says. "But, uh, I heard you tell those interviewers that Melanie was your girlfriend."

Devin nods. "Yeah, what about it?"

It Started at the Diner- A Devin Booker StoryWhere stories live. Discover now