Chapter Thirty-Seven~Date night

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Melanie and Devin were finally back in Paradise Valley, and they've never been more relieved. It was nice for Mel to see her family again and for Devin to meet them, but they definitely wanted a whole house to themselves again. And they missed their son.

They have been home for about 2 days now. Melanie had just finished her interview for clinical rotations through Zoom in their home office. Even though the vaccine for COVID had been released, some cities haven't had access to them yet, so the hospital that interviewed her was taking necessary precautions until they had access.

Melanie logs off her Zoom account and goes to her email to pull up paperwork she needed to fill out. There's a knock on the door, and she automatically knew it was Devin. "Come in, Devin," she calls out.

Devin walks in and smiles at her. "Hey," he says to her.

Melanie smiles back at him. "Hey," she says, before going back to the laptop.

Devin stands behind her and hugs her from behind around her shoulders. He lays multiple kisses on her cheek. "You almost done?" he asks her.

Melanie nods at him. "Yeah," she replies. "I just need to fill out this paperwork, and it's all taken care of."

Devin nods at her. "Okay. No rush." He kisses the top of her head but still keeps his arms around her.

Melanie finishes filling out the paperwork a few minutes later and sends it to the hospital. She exhales in relief. "Okay." She shuts the laptop and pushes her glasses up when she feels them slipping. "Now, I'm all yours."

Devin smiles triumphantly as she gets up from the chair. "Finally." She laughs as she stands on her toes and wraps her arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around her. "And I really like how you're dressed nice from the waist up."

She shrugs at him. "Like they were gonna know," she says. He laughs as they meet in the middle for a kiss.

She was wearing a white blouse and a nude colored blazer with her hair and makeup done to look professional, but she was wearing black pajama shorts with sunflowers on them. She kept her glasses on so that she could protect her eyes from the blue light on the laptop screen.

They sway back and forth as they hug. Devin realizes something. "You know what I just realized?"

Melanie pulls away from him and looks at him. "Hm?"

Devin looks at her with a thoughtful look. "We haven't been on a date in a while."

She thinks about their last date, which was the morning of her birthday. "That's right. We haven't."

He thinks for a second. "When was our last date?"

She looks up at him. "I think it was my birthday. Then, right after that, we moved into the house, and we both got busy with school and work."

He remembers that day. "Oh, yeah." He changes the subject. "Why don't I take you on a date tonight?"

She smiles at him. "Really?" she asks. He nods at her. "Okay. Where we goin'?"

He smirks. "That, mi amor, is a surprise." He earns a dirty look from the short girl. "Go upstairs, and get ready. Wear something fancy. I'll make the reservations."

She rolls her eyes playfully. "Alright. I'll be ready in a couple hours."

He smiles at her. "Alright. Take your time getting ready." They meet for a quick kiss before Melanie leaves the office to go upstairs and get ready. Once she was gone, Devin sits in the chair she was previously sitting in and takes his phone out to make the reservations.

It Started at the Diner- A Devin Booker StoryWhere stories live. Discover now