Red Carpet Couple

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Christian paces nervously around the hotel room in his suit pants as he stalls getting ready for the All Star Game Red Carpet. Kat is over 30 minutes late, they were supposed to start interviewing and filming the first episode of the series over a hour ago. If she doesn't show up soon he's going to have go solo to the opening event of the MLB All Star Game...

He glances at his phone again for what seems like the 800 time in the last five minutes. Christian goes to the window and glances out at the city of Cleveland and lets out a sigh then runs his hands through his hair. The stress this is causing him is clear in the way he holds his shoulders and his face is in a deep frown. If Kat doesn't show everyone will know because her name is on every list as his plus one. Cody will tear him apart, his MVP votes will likely plummet and he'll just be awkward the whole weekend.

There's a knock on the front door and Christian turns quickly at the videographer and coordinator for this mini series that is the reason Christian is so stressed in the first place sticks her head in, "Christian, umm Kat Bledsoe just pulled up should I send her in."

"Yeah that's fine we should have time to film still, right?" He asks.

"Yes as long as we can start as soon as she comes up." The girl responds.

Christian nods and checks his phone one more time. Not 30 seconds later Kat comes through the door with two massive Chanel duffle bags in her left hand and pretty black YSL purse thrown over her shoulder. She has on extremely short denim shorts and a cropped long sleeve Brewers shirt. Her long thick hair is style in high slick pony tail. There is no makeup on her face yet she looks beautiful. Christian lets out a sigh of relief as she pushes her sunglasses on top of her head and dumps her bags on the massive bed.

Kat comes over, "I'm so sorry I had to get and MRI and it took a lot longer than planned." She apologizes to Christian and comes over to wrap him in a hug no even phased by the lack of a shirt.

Christian sighs knowing there was a good reason, "Just happy you made it. Is everything okay?" He asks suddenly concerned that somehow in between Fourth of July and now she managed to damage her body.

Kat turns and lifts her shirt to reveal black and purple bruises across her entire lower back, "Ehh I thought I had a little more room on a back pedal, hit the stands and fell. No tears or breaks just sore and need to take it easy."

Christian comes forward and touches the bruises with his cold hands. Kat leans into it his touch from the soothing feeling, "You sure you're okay for tonight?" Christian checks knowing how much pain she has to be in.

"Yes, of course. I wouldn't miss this I just cant twerk too much." Kat jokes and grabs a bag off the floor trying her best to mask the pain that crosses her face, but Christian sees it.

"Kat?" The video girl pops in again and Kat acknowledges her, "My name is Nikki Reed and I'm the producer for the mini series if you don't mind we need to start right away."

"Of course, can you film while I'm getting my make up done?" Kat asks and makes her way to the bathroom as Christian is surrounded by stylist and another person to film his interview.

Kat sits and people go about prepping her face and steaming the dress she's wearing to the event, "Kat, can you tell us a little bit about where you're from and how you got here?"

"I'm from Crenshaw, California which not a lot of people know because I went to school at Calabasas High School. I grew up in Crenshaw with my two older brothers and my dad since my mom left us a few months after I was born." Kat starts.

"Now, you hardly ever speak of your family why is that?"

"I mean I'm not that proud of where I came from. I grew up in the ghetto and I try all the time to make sure that it doesn't show because of all the negative that come with that part of my life. Both my older brothers were in a gang and were shot and killed in a drive by on their way to football practice in their second year at USC. My dad is in jail with two strikes and I have no clue where my mom is." Kat explains as one of the makeup artist dabs at her face, "I faced a lot of adversity growing up and I was blessed that the coach at CHS was kind enough to let me in her home and raise me and give me a chance despite where I came from."

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