I Saw the Signs

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Kat smiles as her season highlights play on the overhead as her walkout songs 'Life is Good' by Drake and Future plays. Baker and Christian escort her out to the court for her senior night and smile at Kat who is beaming. Usually your parents or family member escorts you on your senior night. While they may not be blood Kat still had her family by her side on her senior night.

"Thanks for being here," Kat smiles and lays her head on each of their shoulders.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it," Baker smiles.

"Always," Christian says.

"And now our final senior a 6'1" outside hitter from Crenshaw, California escorted by Baker Mayfield and Christian Yelich is Kat Bledsoe!" The announcer says and Kat steps forward to wave to the crowd and bow.

Kat takes her roses and the framed jersey from her coach and poses for photos while a compilation of messages from her teammates and coaches play.

Finally, the last message comes on and to her surprise is it Christian and Baker.

"Kat Bledsoe, for the moment I met you, you gave me attitude and sass and challenged me to be better every day. You have prompted me to increase my game and have continually reminded me that if you work hard you will be successful. You have brought pride and grace to Wisconsin and I am so proud of the player you have become," Baker's message brings tears to Kat's eyes.

"Kat, they asked me to sum you up in a few words and of all the ones that came to my mind I know that above all else you are the most beautiful and intelligent person I have ever met. You have prompted me to appreciate the life that is given to me and have taught me to be thankful for everything in my life. You are the most intense and complete volleyball player I have ever seen and being apart of these last two seasons with you have been the most fun and exiting years of my life. Love you and kick some butt tonight."

Kat throws her arms around Christian as the tears flow from her eyes. Kat lets Christian and Baker take their seats as she takes her spot on the court and starts her senior night off with a huge play.

Christian posts a photo while he waits for Kat to come out of the three of them and captions the post: 'One big happy family'.


DECEMBER 7, 2020

Kat fills her time waiting to walk across stage by busting out some obnoxious dance moves in her red cap and gown. Christian laughs and posts a video on his IG story and then leans over to adjusts the many cords on her neck. He fumbles with each of them: Student-Athlete cord, a red cord for her 200 hours of community service, her summa cum  laude cord for outstanding academics, a lei from her coach and a long iced out cross necklace.

"I can't believe I'm fucking graduating," Kat bubbles.

Christian smiles seeing her so happy, "I'm so proud of you."

Kat smiles and continues to jiggle, "Thanks babe and thank you for being here."

"I'm glad you let me come and also let my mom come," Christian adds knowing that while Kat and his mom got along their relationship could be stronger. She was the most important person in his life next to Kat.

"Yeah for sure and she is welcome at any of my tournament games," Kat adds and thinks about how she got a bye on the first round since Wisconsin was the number one overall seed for the NCAA Tournament.

Christian nods, "I'll mention it to her."

Kat sees her group moving forward and kisses Christian on the cheek as she prepares to walk across stage.

"Graduating with a double major in business and sports media and highest honors, student-athlete Katalina Bledsoe."

Kat graciously accepts her diploma and continues across the stage. She searches for Christian and Alecia in the lobby and finally find them. She hugs Alecia and thanks her for coming and then poses for pictures before Christian ushers his ladies out to his truck so they can eat.


Kat quickly serves herself a full plate of Mexican food and her and Christian seem to race to finish their first plates as Alecia sits politely and slowly eats. Kat feels a little uncomfortable under Christian's moms stare as she adds salt to her rice and beans.

"Kat, hows is the team looking for the tournament?" Alecia asks trying to make good conversation.

The truth was that while Kat and Alecia got along fine and Alecia thinks Kat is a wonderful woman and can also see how happy she makes her son Alecia still had her reservations as any mom should. This little girl was competing to become the most important woman in Christian's life and Alecia wasn't about to let just anyone take that spot. But after over a year of dating and Christian gushing about Kat over text, call and FaceTime Alecia finally decided that maybe Kat would be the one to sweep Christian away.

"Oh, CY didn't tell you?" Kat frowns.

Both women look at CY with a disappointed look, "Sorry, I forgot been a little busy."

"We got the number one seed and we're probably going to play Stanford in round two," Kat says.

"Hello!" Alecia exclaims.

Kat grins and feels a blush cross her face, "Yeah this was a really great season."

Alecia laughs and smiles at her son who is grinning at the sight of his mom and his girlfriend getting along, "Congratulations!"

"Thank you," Kat says and goes back to eating her food.

"So, how is Baker?" Alecia prompts, "He didn't want to make the trip to see Kat graduate."

Christian shrugs, "He has a big game tomorrow against the Pats he couldn't swing it."

Kat looks at Christian and Christian raises his eyebrows as Alecia looks between the two with raised eyebrows. Only the sound of Kat continuing to eat can be heard over the awkward silence.

"All the salt, shiny hair, glowing skin, how far along are you Kat?" Alecia asks.

Kat drops her silverware and a clang can he heard throughout her apartment as Christian chokes on his water, "She's not pregnant mom-" Christian tries to cover, but is cut off.

"Okay one you're a bad liar always have been Christian and two you really think I can't tell?" Alecia says to her son and then turns to Kat with a smile.

"Close to twelve weeks," Kat says. "We are waiting to announce when I finish playing then there wont be as much back lash about me playing pregnant."

Alecia beams, "I understand and I'll keep your secret."

So obvi Kat is pregnant and I won't ruin the plot anymore but would anyone be interested in the sequel I have planned...? Vote and comment if you are.

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