In Your Eyes

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Okay the girl playing Kat is Jamie Robins she used to plat at UCLA

It was a big day for Christian. The second annual California Strong Fundraiser. After the massive success of the year before he convinced Ryan Braun to try again this year. Due to the unforeseen injury Christian actually had a lot more time to plan this event and was hoping for an even bigger and better event.

Christian paces nervously as Ryan finishes up the last of the interviews and people start to show up. The stands at the Pepperdine field were filling with fans and all the participants were rolling in slowly and putting on their custom jerseys. All except one very important volleyball player.

Ryan puts a hand on Christian's shoulder in attempt to calm him down, "Jeez man why are you stressing like this?" Ryan turns Christian to face him, "Everything is set up, everyone is here, the weather great and all we have to do it sit back and be terrible managers."

"She's not here," Christian comments and looks up towards where the parking lot is hoping Kat would be walking down.

Ryan shakes his head, "Man she's gonna be here she knows how important this is."

Christian sighs and then shakes his he slightly frustrated, "I know, but she left right after the Ellen interview yesterday to go to a Lakers game," Christian explains, "Like just left didn't hang out, didn't ask to eat, nothing like it wasn't the first time we'd seen each other in a month."

"She's busy and she's a little party girl and you know that," Ryan comments, "She'll be here probably hung over but she'll be here."

"I don't know man she's been flakey ever since we got back from Greece."

Ryan frowns, "How so? What did y'all talk about on the flight back?"

Christian bites his lip trying to remember, "my contract and her buying property in Malibu."

"She's probably a little freaked out that's some serious stuff. Kat has to make a decision on what she's going to do next," Ryan shrugs, "Its her last year of college coming up the senior scaries are starting to hit."

Christian glares at him, "Do not start with the 'I wouldn't know what its about because I didn't go to college' bullshit."

Ryan laughs, "Alright fine, but would you calm the fuck down before Kat sees you sweating," he jokes and turns his friend to see Kat Bledsoe coming up with two large basketball players in tow.

Seeing Kat made the stress physically disappear from his body has his shoulders and jaw loosens and he visibly relaxes. Kat greets him with her bright and flashing smile and throws her arms around his neck as he returns the hug and holds onto her tightly.

"Hi, sorry had a little trouble getting these guys out of bed," Kat says after kissing Christian's cheek and jerks a thumb at the two basketball players.

The smaller of the two steps up with his hand outstretched, "Quinn Cook, I play for the Lakers."

Christian shakes his hand, "Yeah, I've seen you play glad you made it out."

The second basketball player steps forward, "Kawhi Leonard, I play for the Clippers. Amazing stuff you're doing."

Christian shakes his hand trying not to look impressed that fucking Kawhi is here at his event, "Thanks man thanks for coming out it means a lot."

"Of course, when Kat told me about this at the game last night I knew I had to come," Kawhi says and then returns to his usually quiet state.

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