Don't Worry Bout it Sweetheart

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Kat takes a seat in between Holland and Tara. She is calm even though tonight will be one of the biggest in her careers. Tonight Wisconsin finds out what seat they are in the NCAA Tournament. Tonight sets the tone of how serious the officials have take the Badgers this season. Are they really that good or has Kat been carrying them throughout the season? Will Kat choke in this post season, can she stay healthy, will she be enough to go up against Stanford's powerhouse Kathryn Plummer and Texas's Micyah White or will she fall to the feet of the other heavy hitters? Will her off court emotions play a role in her on court success? These are the questions that have been in the headlines for the past few weeks as the nation gears up for one of the most exciting and anticipated volleyball tournaments ever.

Social media has done its part hyping the tournament up as professional athletes from all sports have done their part to promote the tournament. Much of this is due to the campaigning Kat has done in the past three years to help make volleyball as popular as baseball or basketball. Between dating some high profile athlete, taking to social media to troll reality TV stars, starting a YouTube channel, getting TikTok famous, modeling for brands like Off White and Chanel and even expressing interest on talk shows for high fashion modeling she has captured the public's attention and love in away that no female athlete has ever managed to do.

Kat has used some of her controversial views to spark discussions and also promote a more equal environment for female athletes. She has also managed to become one of the most inspirational females in the industry and has sparked a new era of young female athletes to speak up and believe in themselves.

This tournament is expected to be the most profitable for both university and athletes alike. Baker has taken her side along with all other OU and UWM professional athletes. Jalen Hurts and Joe Burrow have post their support on social media. Karl Anthony Towns and Tyler Herro have bought rows of seats to the games and have distributed them to other NBA players. Even LeBron James has stated that he will be at the Final Game and also put some added pressure on Kat's mind as he stated in an IG Live that he expects to see her there so she can talk to her "biggest fan" Zuri.

All this runs through her mind as Kat takes in a deep breath and releases all these expectations and reminds herself that she is the best player in the sport right now. She has already beat these girls with a less talent team and a much worse coach. This thing might as well already be in the bag.

"Who do you think we'll get?" Tara asks as the volleyball commissioner is projected on the screen to announce the seating.

"Some rando wild card college. I really think we might get the number one seat," She speaks her hope into existence.

Tara nods and grabs her hand as the commissioner begins to read names from bottom to top. So many names run by as the bracket fills up... Wisconsin will hold the first four games at their home court... If they make it that far. Once those four games are up they are to head to Pittsburg, PA. For the semifinals and the finals... Again, if they make it that far.

Kat takes a deep breath in as the commissioners gets down to the final five teams, "In seat number five is the University of Nebraska," He says and Kat breathes out. "In seat four is the University of Wisconsin, Madison."

Kat sighs and tries her best not to have any reaction even though the disappointment runs its course. The executives don't think she can do it again, not here at this institution.

Stanford gets seat three, Texas gets number two and Baylor gets the number one...

The team is obviously disappointed, but put their happy faces on for the cameras that are streaming their reaction to who they play: Illinois State.

Kat puts the announcement on her story and screams and jumps with the team despite the anger over their seat. She shows off and screams, but honestly she is excited for a third year in a row she is going to the NCAA tournament with a very likely chance of winning it for a third time. One thing continues to race across her mind: she has won against Texas and Minnesota this season, but has failed to beat Stanford, UCLA, and Baylor. All teams that she may very likely face.

Finally, the team calms down and everyone prepares to head home to get a good rest to prepare for the brutal week of practice and film sessions they are about to go through to prepare for the six most important games this season...

Kat opens up iMessage hoping that a text from Christian will be there, but just like the past three days there isn't. He has been completely quiet for the past few days. He's ignored calls, FaceTimes, memes and messages causing massive amount of anxiety to plague Kat as she starts to think maybe this is over. This is the end of their perfect and amazing relationship that has brought her so much joy these past few months. Maybe that inevitable crying session tipped Christian over the edge. Maybe he realized he, like so many before, could not handle everything that comes with dating Kat Bledsoe.

And finally, maybe she waited too long to say she loves him...

Kat sighs locks her phone grabs her backpack while thinking about ordering Chipotle on the way home since the thought of cook made her even more depressed...

"Sorry, I'm late I stopped to get food."

Kat's head shoots up not believing her ears and not wanting to believe her eyes and what is in front of them thinking that maybe this is a trick of her depressed mind. No. This isn't a trick. Christian Yelich is here in the UW Field House in Madison, Wisconsin, holding a brown Chipotle sack in his usual white converse, jeans, and black hoodie.

A squeal escapes her mouth and she slaps a hand over her mouth as she spirts faster than she knew was possible across the court into Christian's strong a familiar arms. She runs her fingers through his thick dark hair and then pulls back to touch his strong jaw, board cheeks, and plush lips trying permanently burn their feeling into her mind. Finally, she kisses him passionately pouring two and a half months worth of emotions into the kiss. All the sadness, longing, respect, depression, nostalgia and love goes into the kiss.

Christian can't get enough of Kat as his free hand cups her cheek and his other arm wraps around her waist so tightly you'd think he was afraid she would vanish. He kisses her back with just as much passion. He has missed her so much and this time allowed for a huge discovery: he doesn't want to go a single day without her ever again.

Finally, they break apart, "I can't believe you're here," Kat says breathlessly.

Christian smiles and pulls her head to rest on his chest as he wraps her in a tight hug, "It took about three days to get everything sent over here, get discharged and a flight."

"Discharged?" Kat's questions not removing her head from his strong broad chest taking deep breathes in to smell his designer cologne.

"Yeah, I'm cleared to start working out with a trainer again," He explains. "I am good to go hard and have you kick my ass again. Well after you win this natty."

Kat smiles, "I really didn't think you were gonna be able to come."

Christian pushes her back so he can stare into her dark brown eyes, "I wouldn't miss this."

Kat smiles and a single tear of happiness escapes her eye, "Fuck, I missed you so much," she admits. 

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