Ellen's Burning Questions

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Next two are lowkey fillers to prep for some serious drama

Kat takes a deep breath preparing for her grand entrance on her first ever live TV show. What of everything hates her or worse what if she doesn't know what to say. She nervously adjusts her jean jacke, twhich she only needs because Ellen's studio is so cold. Her phone vibrates and she immediately looks knowing the set managers are about to take it from her.

Christian sent her a simple thumbs up emoji, which has weirdly become their thing. This little thumbs up is like a unspoken security blanket for them.

The set manager takes her phone and she struts out onto the stage with a new confidence. She waves to the crows and sits delicately in her seat across from Ellen. Kat pushes her wavy hair that is up in a slick ponytail back behind her shoulders causing her big hoops to move slightly pulling on her ears. She knows she probably had a nasty look on her face because Ellen's eye A little wide, but she quickly moves to cover it up for Kat who knows she already fucked up.

"I am so happy to meet you thank you for being here," Ellen greets.

Kat smiles, "Thank you you're awesome, you're amazing this is so dope meeting you."

"You're amazing too, so uhh what did you win your 80th national championship or something in December?" Ellen asks.

Kat laughs and so does the crowd, "No only my third," She casually slides her hand with her three national championship rings onto her leg.

Ellen gestures to her hand, "Oh you brought your rings," She jokes, "So is that your everyday jewelry?"

Kat laughs and takes her most recent one off handing it to Ellen, "Oh yeah I love wearing all three just for the eye rolls."

Ellen takes her ring and jokingly drops her hand acting like the ring was very heavy as videos of Kat playing volleyball in the natty play behind them, "Oh that's heavy and we have some of your game film here and tell me did you think you were gonna be able to pull off a threepeat this year going into the tournament."

Kat shrugs and takes a big sigh, "I mean no its kinda like taboo to talk about it when you're going through the weeks its like you win one and feel good and as you keep winning you just try not to think about it, but I was 50/50 I guess there was definitely a lot of doubt from others outside the team that affected us."

"Are you planning to go back next year and try for number four?"

Kat smiles and nods excitedly, "Yes! I just announced that I'm coming back to Wisconsin and will be a Badger for my finals year."

"Oh good so we don't have to beg you because we watching you play. Don't we?" She asks her crowd and they respond enthusiastically. Kat smiles at the crowd and adjusts her oversized blazer and off-white belt.

"So you're in the off season right now and taking a break from volleyball correct?" Ellen progresses the conversation.

Kat nods, "Yes no volleyball just working on some fitness things."

"We won't see you playing but Time Square in New York has put you up on a billboard because you are now the spokesperson for Tiffany and Co. And yes that is you," Ellen motions to the screen behind her where the photos from Kat's shoot are scrolling through.

Kat had yet to see them and slaps a hand over her mouth seeing how beautiful she looks posed perfectly to showcase the jewelry since she has no clothes on, "I actually haven't seen these yet."

"Look at you! You're beautiful!" Ellen exclaims and the crowd agrees.

Kat blushes, "Thank you this was actually a really hard shoot because I couldn't vibe with the model they had me paired with so the photographer was from my ESPN Body shoot and he just like yelled TAKE HER CLOTHES off and weirdly I got so comfortable." Kat says and everyone laughs.

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