On the way to Namek/Filler

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The ship blasts off at a high speed. We would have fallen over if we weren't strapped in. This spaceship is moving surprisingly fast!

After a while of flying Bulma turns the autopilot on. And we begin to relax.
Bulma: We should arrive in close to one month. You guys can do whatever. I'm going to go learn more of the namekian language.

With that, Bulma struts into her room.
Krillin: Well, I don't know what you two are going to do, but I'm going to go take a nap. The fight with those saiyans really wore me out!

Krillin also goes into room. Gohan and I turn to look at each other. Our faces have the look and we instantly know what we're gonna do.
Y/n & Gohan: Let's train!

We giggle and sprint into the gravity room. After getting into positions and we prepare ourselves, we rush towards each other. Since I'm stronger than he is right now, I hold back a bit so we can have an even match. I throw a punch that connects, but he kicks me in the gut and we both fly back. I throw a ki blast his way, but he parry's it. I use it as a distraction, and dash forward, elbowing him in his face. This sends him hurtling backwards. He gets up, but he is very bruised. It's obvious that I've won.
Y/n: Good job Gohan. You surprised me with that parry!
Then I remember that we didn't even turn the machine on. Things go like this for a week and a half with Krillin even joining in sometimes. One time, they team up against Y/n and try to defeat him that way. They get close, but once he charges to his maximum power, They stand no chance.
The gravity chamber is an amazing way to get stronger quickly and they all grow exponentially in the small amount. On their way to Namek, everyone grows not only in power (Except Bulma) but also on friendship. In the one month, they all get very close. They even have zany adventures, such as a fake Namek! Although Y/n and Gohan were the main ones training, Krillin joined in sometimes.

 Krillin already knew Bulma for most of his life, But they all grew closer together still. By the time the group reached Namek, everyone was more powerful than they ever could have imagined.

Y/n: 500,000
Gohan: 470,000
Krillin: 250,000
Bulma: 6 (She did some pushups)

Vegeta: 30,000(Post Zenkai) (He stayed in the pod until he was fully healed.)

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