Five: life or death

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And if I don't. He says I'll die I have no choice I don't want to leave my sister taya behind so I say yes to him. He asks me if I have a place to stay I say not really and he gives me an apartment? It had all the details were it was and what was in it. He says I'm a data collector for his company now and I have a coworker but I won't meet him until tomorrow. I say ok and ask what's his name he says it's Jon and asks what's my name I say it's Anna. I go back to my aunts place saying I got a job now and I have a new place to stay. She says she's happy for me and wishes me the best. I walk into the guest room to get my stuff and to get taya. I see taya awake and dressed she comes towards me and says ANNA out loud. I said looks like someone misses me.I think to myself at age 18 I'm already working and no plans to go to college and escaped my parents but it's worth it. Taya says auntie told me that you are looking for a job taya says. I say yes and I got one and now we got our place pack your stuff up we're going to our apartment. Taya looks like she was going die from happiness. Taya quickly packs her things up and says she's ready to go. I say ok but I need to pack my things and we both have say thanks and goodbye to our aunt. Taya says ok and I begin to pack the things I took out in the morning and night back into my backpack. Ok taya now we need to say thanks and goodbye to our aunt now. I go to my aunt and thank her for letting us in at night and goodbye. My aunt said you're welcome and anytime and finally she was going to miss me. Taya said thank you and goodbye to our aunt and gave her a big hug. We left and got on my bike and went to our apartment that I got a few hours ago. I had the key so I don't need to worry about getting a key. Me and taya ride to the apartment and when we got there it was beautiful. Like if someone took care of it for years and it looked like it had so much room. My key says room 35 so me and taya find room 35 and we find ourselves on highest floor. Soon we see room 35 I get my key and unlock our apartment. I go inside and it's beautiful the apartment looks like a dream a big living room, a big kitchen,a huge window that shows a beach. Taya says a beach and we go there I say later taya right now we need some food in the refrigerator. When I open the refrigerator it had so much food in it and I see a note next to the ice cream. I picked up the note and read it. It said
Hey I hope you like your new apartment and I

put some food in your refrigerator

Ps I hope you like the beach and something in your room for you

That's sweet of him and the view of the beach is amazing. I go to one of the many rooms and I see a gift on the bed. The whole room looked amazing book everywhere,a huge bed with lots of pillows,a closet full of cute clothes,fairy lights everywhere. It looked like my dream bedroom and I looked at the gift in the middle of my bed. I opened it and it was the latest laptop I couldn't believe what I had gotten. Never in my life had I got a gift like this my parents would say it's to expensive and they need the money for other things. Yet I was grateful for the gift and I saw taya in the doorway. Taya said wow what a beautiful room I replied yes it is. I walked out of my room and into a other. It was like my room but for a child but taya looked like she having the time of her life. Taya was playing with one of the many toys the room had so many toys,stuffed animals everywhere,a huge mirror,a closet full of clothes for a little girl. Taya said this is my room now I said ok you can have this room. I went to my room and watched a movie on my laptop and soon fell asleep.

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