Eight: The truth

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I woke up from my dream but I immediately got ready for work. I had a shower got dressed did my hair. I was having some leftover pasta that I made yesterday. Then the doorbell rang it was the babysitter. I invited Nova in my apartment. Hi Nova welcome to my apartment Taya is still asleep. Nova seemed happy but in shock I asked if anything was wrong Nova said no but my apartment was just so beautiful. I said thank you and said if anything went wrong just call me. Nova said she will and I was putting my laptop in a bag and heading out the door. I went to my bike and immediately went to work. When I got there Tim said so the guy that we got hired to kill is dead. I asked how Tim said I poisoned him I sneaked into his house and poisoned his food. I left the house when shortly after later in the day his wife texted me saying her husband was dead and give us the money Tim said. Tim gave me a lot of money and saying it was 20,000$ I said wow they really pay us a lot Tim just said yes they do. Then the boss came in saying that we have another client. Some guy came in and sat in a chair saying I need someone killed. Tim asked why the guy replied he didn't pay his debt. Tim said ok, Anna would you mind talking to him to get some data. I said yes and starting talking to him I was really uncomfortable with him but I asked him questions. I ask were did the guy lived, worked, his past, and how much did he want to be killed. The guy said he worked in a restaurant and he lived in a cheap apartment. His past well the guy said he was part of a gang he was at the top and the guy said he needed some money and he'll pay it back. The guy never got his money back and he didn't care what way he was killed just that he'll be in it to. I said ok thank you for your time the guy later got up from the chair he was on and walked out. Tim said did you get all the information I said yes it was all on my laptop. Me and Tim spent the rest of the day figuring out we're did he lived and worked. We found out we're he lived it was super cheap and found some reviews saying it was disgusting and the electricity goes out a lot. Tim said that's what you get when you live in a cheap apartment. I said said back yeah and checked out some photos. The photos were the apartments looking the best they can but at the most it looked decent. Later the guy came back and described what he looked like to me. He said he's skinny, has brown hair that was usually messy, his clothes are really cheap, and finally he's really pale. We told him what we found and if he knew what restaurant he worked at. The guy said it was a Italian restaurant me and looked up Italian restaurant near by on google. We found what we were looking for we checked the staff. The guy was a waiter and looked really pale and has brown hair but he was in his work clothes. I showed him the picture and asked if it was him the guy yelled saying YES ITS HIM. I said please calm down and Tim said to me you can go home now. I gave all the information to Tim and put my laptop and money in my bag. I went on my bike and remembered I need to get groceries but the grocery store is closed I'll go tomorrow I say to myself. I stopped at a McDonald's and got 2 orders fries for me and my sister. I paid the cashier said thank you and left. I went to my apartment and was greeted by Nova saying Taya was a amazing kid. I said thank you and here's 200$ and in two days can you please babysit Taya again. Nova said she will and left,Taya said Anna your back I said yes I am and want some McDonald's. Taya said yes and I gave her fries and I took out my fries and began to ate. Taya noticed the money in the bag. Taya said that's a lot of money I said yes it is. I quickly went into my room and put the money in my closet for now. I went back into the living room putting on a carton. Taya said that Nova took her swimming all day and then they watched a lot of movies together. I said well that's a fun day and your hair is a bit wet. Taya laughed and watched her cartoons. It was getting pretty late and Taya went to bed while I stayed up thinking what I'm a doing. I'm working at a murdering company I'm killing life's for money. Then I got a phone call it was Tim. Tim said to take the day off tomorrow I said ok and told him can I ask you something. Tim said yes I told him that I don't know what to do because I'm working at a murdering company. Tim said hey hey everything is going to ok and your not a murder I am. I said I feel like one though I get people information and give it to you and the next day you kill them. Tim said almost everyone he killed was for a reason and almost everyone was not innocent. I started to cry Tim tried to calm me down saying I need to go to bed. I said yeah I do and I just feel like a bad sister. Tim said you have a sister, Yes I said I try to be a good sister and give her a good life but I just feel like I'm not doing enough. Tim said I don't know your sister but I know your a amazing sister.

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