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Just Dm me :)

Thank you for taking the time to read my book:)


I've marked the chapters with what they contain, just incase you dont like reading smut or you're only here for those parts. I'm not here to judge. The key for the part is in the square brackets at the start of a chapter title: []. I am still messing about with the layout and I may add in a little blurb at the begging of each chapter just outlining the basic plot.

[SS] = Storyline Smut, which is just a story building up to the smut at the end

[AS] = Almost Smut, this is where the writing gets a little smutty but its just the foreplay not full on smut. It's the build up before it and leaves the rest to your imagination...

[SB] = Slow burn, meaning that the story is long and goes slow almost like a little short story.

[F] = Fluff, snuggling and everything that isn't Smut

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