[SB] Not What I Expected: Part 1

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You are stranded on a planet with Kylo Ren, at first you thought that it would be a nightmare. However, it turns out that he has another side to him thats seperate to hisffriey temper and hot shot persona as the Supreme Leader of the First Order. He relaxes and become less insufferable and more intriguing with every hour you spend with him. Wandering around the forest looking for shelter you find yourself slowly beginning to catch feelings for him...

Word Count: 3k

Warnings: Slow Burn


You watched as another one of your ships was blown out of the sky, the resistance had taken you by surprise. You had 10 ships no match for their twenty, they ducked and dived and seemed to fire consistently leaving you to just attempt to doge them and with little time to return fire. You watched Kylos ship doing the same, he seemed to angrily attempt to return fire his moves getting more and more risky with each passing second. You drew the line when his ship just narrowly missed 2 resistance ships that were barrelling down at him.

"We need to jump to hyperspace now it is the only way we will be able to shake them!" you yelled through the radio over the fire from the resistance ships.

"No" came the agitated voice of Kylo Ren. "If we jump to hyperspace then we will have to land on the first planet that we see and we will be stranded he roared his angry tone made you flinch as you dodged and dived yet again.

"We have to go now! They can't track us through hyperspace it's the best chance we have!" you yelled back no longer caring that you were talking to the supreme leader, and letting the panic and frustration flow out of you.

Your only focus now was getting out of this situation alive, and trying to save the supreme leader no matter how difficult it proved.

"I'm sending you the coordinates, to a planet that we can reach. Follow me or die" you said reaching up and clicking buttons on your ship before bracing and pulling the last leaver. You didn't wait for his reply, you had been a pilot long enough to know that there was no way the two of you could take on 20 plus ships especially not with the amount of fuel the two of you had left. Blue and black lines whizzed past and then suddenly your ship came to a stop and your eyes dated to the scanner and you held your breath. You listened, it was quite, and your ears rang, you had spent the better part of an hour watching you ships fall to no stop gun fire. It was deafening, you placed your hand over your watch face and stared at the scanner.

"Come on" you whispered starting at the screen begging for another blip to appear.

You closed your eyes and then suddenly you heard an audible beep. You opened them and looked down at the scanner to see a little blip, you leant forward and looked to your left, Kylo Ren's ship was next to yours.

"Good choice" whispered before reaching over and turning the communication line back on. "I think we have enough power to get down, definitely enough to get through the atmosphere. Again, follow me"

The only response you got was an angry grunt, him likely not amused to be the one taking orders rather than delivering them. Shaking your head you drifted towards the planet, you glanced over at your blaster and wondered if you would be able to shoot him if he attacked you. Probably not, he can easily deflect them with his lightsabre.

You clenched your jaw and then headed down towards the planet the fuel gauge flashing in the corner of your eye. The little beeps indicated that Kylos ship was following you down. You watched as you burst through the cloud layer and down towards the lush green forest below, your eyes scanned the foliage for anywhere to land your vessels, eventually your eyes found one. You steered towards it silently wishing that you could cruise over the beautiful sight for just a little longer but the red blinking of the fuel gauge suggested that it really wouldn't be a good idea.

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