[AS] Not What I Expected: Part 2

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You are stranded on a planet with Kylo Ren, at first you thought that it would be a nightmare. However, it turns out that he has another side to him thats seperate to hisffriey temper and hot shot persona as the Supreme Leader of the First Order. He relaxes and become less insufferable and more intriguing with every hour you spend with him. Wandering around the forest looking for shelter you find yourself slowly beginning to catch feelings for him...

Word Count: 2.8k

Warnings: Slow Burn


You had been walking for a little over and hour in silence, with no more signs of the thing Kylo had seen, you decided to take this as a good thing. Part of you hoped that whatever he had heard was just a log falling but another part of you flashed back the eerie feeling of being watched you had back at the ships. The thought of that was enough to keep you on edge and heighten your senses. You found yourself glancing down at the hand he had taken when you both ran. How he squeezed your hand tightly as he led you through the jungle. How his skin was warm and slightly rough, how his fingers wrapped around your hand. And how delicately he pulled the leaves from your hair, you didn't think he was capable of anything other than violence

"It's getting cold" Kylo whispered as the wind swirled around the two of you with an icy sting.

"Must be getting closer to dark" you replied looking around. "I scanned the ground on out way down, it was hard to get an accurate reading through the dense trees, but it looked like there was a cave just down here" you replied stepping up onto a mossy log and trying to look deeper into the forest towards the direction that you had indicated.

Your foot slipped as the moss detached from the log. You were about to lose your footing all together two sturdy hands grabbed your waist and picked you up and then placed you on the ground on the other side of the log. You looked up and Kylo gave you a small smile before removing his hands and continuing in the direction that you had pointed at. You swallowed placing your hands on your waist were his had been moments before, before dropping your hands grabbing the straps of your backpack and following him. You bit you lip as you watched him walk, his broad shoulders and athletic physique drawing some less than PG thoughts into your mind.

You shivered, the chill in the air becoming more apparent. You glanced up at the leaves overhead. The brilliant green light that radiated through them when you first landed was beginning to dull indicating that the sun was now beginning to set.

"Hey I think I found it" you head Kylos voice called from a little ahead of you.

Drawing your gaze from the trees you jogged to his side, and sure enough there was a small entrance to a cave. You held up your watch and pointed it in the direction of the cave, it whirred for a second and then beeped.

"Its empty, the way in is probably too small for anything that can't burrow a hole to get inside" you said looking through the small entryway. "Come on we need to collect some wood, so we can make it through the night, collect different sizes and don't bother picking up anything green, rotten or soaking wet." You finished.

He nodded and dropped his bag at the entrance of the cave and walked off to your left, you raised your eyebrows in confusion as you had expected him to protest again that you were going him order. You shook your head and fifured that he had perhaps finally understood the gravity of the situation.

Twenty minutes later you had both gathered a rather sizable pile of wood at the entrance, Kylo had used his lightsabre to cut down any dead standing trees. However, it had got noticeably colder, and it had started to snow. you worked on dragging the pile of logs into the cave, backwards and forwards log after log into cave. The entrance was narrow, and you had to crouch to get through but behind it opened up into a sizable space. You checked along the wall with a torch to make sure that there weren't any entrances that could allow any of the planets beasties to get in and eat you in your sleep. As you cast your torch light along the wall you noticed that the wall of the cave was dotted with patches of crystals. You smiled as they twinkled in your touch light as you wondered what they could be, perhaps formations of salt or they could be brilliant diamonds. Knowing your luck though they were likely just a quartz or something else that was pretty but worthless.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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