[SS] Oops

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You're a friend of Kylo and bust into his room to tell him something when you get a little more than what you bargained for...

Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings: Smut


"KYLO OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" You yelled thumping the side of your fist against the door of your friends' room impatiently.

"Give me a minute" called Kylo from the other side of the door.

"NO! NOW ITS IMPORTANT!" you yelled continuing the attack on the door with your fist.

As soon as the door opened you barrelled in.

"Okay so there has been a teeny tiny little bit of a proble-" you turned, and your eyes met Kylo. "Oh" you said out loud unable to take your eyes off him.

He looked away from you before returning his gaze to yours and sighing hand still on the handle of the open door. You clenched you jaw as your eyes ran over his shirtless figure. His broad shoulders and toned chest all on show for you to see. His unshaven face enhancing his jawline as his hair hung in a cascade of curls around his face. You swallowed before drawing your eyes away from him.

"Could you like put on a shirt" you said folding your arms and forcing yourself to turn your back to him.

"I did tell you to wait, its not my fault your so impatient" he said as a smirk crept across his lips. His eyes studied your back and he was amused at how flustered you had suddenly become.

"Well I had something important to tell you" you said as he closed the door.

You heard him walk across the room towards you, before he came into view and stood in front of his wardrobe. His hand went to the handle before he frowned and turned to you.

"Had?" he queried dropping his hand, turning towards you placing his hands in the pockets of his black sweatpants.

"Have!" you said trying to look anywhere but at him, which was turning out to be considerable harder than it should be.

"Well, what is it then?" he asked as smile crept across his face as his eyes studied yours, as he noticed the blush that had spread across your face.

"Look can you just put some clothes on please" you said dropping your hands to your side before linking them behind your back.

"Why, am I distracting you?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

His deep voice sent shivers up your spine and made your heart hammer in your chest. Relief overcame you as you heard the wardrobe door open.

Your eyes wandered back over to him; he was now turned away from you reaching into the wardrobe his back muscles on full display as he reached for a shirt. You watched the muscles in his arms flexed before pulled a t-shirt from inside and turned to look at you.

"What was the news?" he asked closing the wardrobe the shirt still in his hand.

You looked at him puzzled for a second before you suddenly remembered the reason you had burst in here in the first place.

"Oh yeah, well um..." you said swallowing unable to look away from him.

A laughed escaped from his lips as he shook his head.

"So, you've forgotten the 'very important' news?" he said looking up at you with a raised eyebrow unfolding the shirt and walking towards you.

"Um yeah... wait no... what?" you asked still flustered as he came to a stop in front of you. "Look just put on the shirt, you're needed on the bridge some sort of strategy meeting you need to attend" you said shaking your head and stepping back.

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