[F] Snuggles

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You wake up in Kylo Rens bed the morning after, its just a whole load of fluff.

Word Count: 570

Warnings: None


You groaned lightly stretching your hands above your head knocking the pillow off the bed arching your back as you woke up and stretched. You stretched your arm to the other side of the bed expecting it to come in contact with the person sleeping next to you but instead it was a cold bed. You propped yourself up on your elbows and sleepily looked around the dimly lit room.

Your eyes found him over by the large window, he was leaning against the frame his arms crossed looking out at the stars.

He looked over at you, his hair a mess with the starlight illuminating him in an almost celestial glow. He smiled his black hair falling in front of his eyes. He looked handsome and strong but at the same time he had a fragile air around him. He looked human.

"What?" he asked tilting his head and looking at you raising his eyebrows.

"Nothing" you said with a smile.

"Oh, nothing is it?" he said walking over to the bed and climbing in next to you.

"Yeah" you said snuggling over to him and placing your head on his chest.

He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer kissing the top of your head.

"I want to spend every morning like this" he said his finger tracing circles on your arm, resting his chin on your head.

"Do you now" you said in a cheeky tone turning over, so you were half laying on him, half not.

He again tilted his head in the same adorable way that he had just a few minutes before. You plucked gently at his black t-shirt looking down at it and then back up to his eyes. His dark beautiful eyes. He smiled at you before winking, then before you could react he had wrapped his arms around you and rolled you over so now he was on top of you.

"Mmm..." he moaned nuzzling his face into your neck causing you to giggle. "You're so warm" he breathed his breath tickling your neck sending tingles through your body.

He brought his face back up to yours smiled again before placing a small soft kiss on your lips, he looked at you again this time with lust in his eyes. You reached up and combed your fingers through his hair. You gripped it and pulled his face back down to yours.

He kissed you deeply one hand on your cheek and the other on the small of your back pulling you slightly up off the bed towards him.

He suddenly pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead against yours looking you in the eyes before closing his.

"I love you" he whispered his voice hoarse and breathless.

You cupped his face with your hand and brushed your thumb across his cheekbone and he nuzzled his face into your palm before kissing it gently.

"I love you too" you whispered and he opened his eyes looking a little shocked before a smile crept across his lips.

He kissed your forehead again and rolled onto his side pulling you into his arms.

The two of your lay there still and quiet just holding each other, you closed your eyes and before long you had both drifted back off to sleep.

Authors Note

Okay this one is a little short at the moment, I will be adding more to this chapter soon.

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