2. The girls

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Anon sat down against a wall in an alleyway and charged his phone with a random power outlet he found. Now his phone is at 89%. He takes a deep breath and he felt like someone was standing next to him. He turns around and gasps to see that it was the women whom he accidentally crashed into earlier.

Anon: "Ah! What are you doing here?"

??? (Orange): "Hey, relax that accident was earlier, it's ok. We understand that you were in a hurry back home."

Anon lets out a sigh.

Anon: "Well kinda. I was told to leave. I broke into Blume headquarters and Umeni Zulu along with the police thinks I'm a criminal."

??? (Yellow): "Let me guess. You're not a wanted person are you?"

Anon: "No, I'm not a bad person. Blume's corrupt, I've tried telling others only to end up failing and be called a faker, a liar, and an idiot."

??? (Red): "I see. Do you have proof?"

Anon grabs his phone to see a picture of a camera of HAUM spying on people.

Anon: "HAUM's been granted access to CTOS. Blume created it to manage infrastructures in cities. However, Blume allowed some companies its data."

The mysterious girls look in awe.

??? (Yellow): "That's horrible! Why would they do such a thing?"

Anon: "They're doing it to monitor people. And send all that to Blume."

The girls sit next to him.

??? (Orange): "What's your name?"

Anon: "I call myself Anonymous. Or simply Anon. What about you 3?"

Jasper: "I'm Jasper. This here's Pearl, and that's Yellow Agate."

Anon: "Ok, are those nicknames due to the jewelleries on you girls?"

Pearl: "What's Jewellery?"

Anon: "Wait a second. Your skin. You're not human are you?"

Yellow Agate: "We're gems from a distant galaxy. Our bodies are simply a projection of light. Our gemstones project it. But we can still touch, hear, smell and see. You could even touch us."

Anon: "So...you're aliens?"

Pearl: "In a way."

Anon: "I see. Well I'm going to give you all nicknames. Jasper, you'll be called Venus."

Venus: "Venus? I like it."

Anon: "And Pearl, you'll be called Althea."

Althea: "Hehe. It suits me."

Anon turns to Agate.

Anon: "You'll be called Mia."

Mia: "I like it."

To be continued...

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