20. Rescue mission

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Erin POV

I woke up, in a room with the others. In front of us was a glass wall. I got up to break it down only for nothing to happen. It didn't break, it looks like it's bulletproof. There were also humans which were outside, they wore white coats and held a board with paper on it.

3rd person POV

Venus: "Let us out!"

Althea: "You cannot do this!"

The scientists started taking notes and a device starts scanning them.

Male scientist: "Once we're done, transfer them to Area 51. The Government will take control."


Anon arrives there and enters the building. With his weapons hidden inside his hoodie. He turns off the metal detector with his phone and walks into another area. He hacks the door and it opens up. He crouches down and loads his SMG and his new pistol.

 He crouches down and loads his SMG and his new pistol

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Anon: "Let's get crazy."

He puts his mask on. Then, he gets out if hiding and kills 2 security guards in the room. 2 scientists were knocked out and 1 was killed, Anon hides behind a table as 5 scientists had started shooting back with their revolvers. Anon umswitches to his rifle and kills 3. He hacks the fire system and water sprinklers were turned on. 1 scientists was surprised by it that he didn't pay attention to Anon who shoots him with his rifle. He jumos over a table and kills the last one.

(Pretend it's Anon killing the last scientist)

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(Pretend it's Anon killing the last scientist)

However, there was one more scientist who was unarmed. Hiding behind a desk. Anon didn't notice him as he rushes over to the chamber to unlock it. He dies so and the gems hug him tightly.

Venus: "Edwin!"

Erin: "Edwin we're sorry! Edwin..I am extremely sorry. We shouldn't have shunned you. You were right. Maybe the monsters need to be killed."

Anon: "It's ok. I forgive you."

Erin leaks tears of joy and she gasps as she sees the last scientist pointing a gun at Anon.

Anon: "What's wrong?"

Erin: "Behind you!"

Anon turns around and puts his hands up.

Male scientist: "That's right. You're going to come with me to the police station and-

Anon kicks a chair to his leg and quickly grabs his baton and disarms him.

Anon kicks a chair to his leg and quickly grabs his baton and disarms him

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He then kicks him and shoots him. Finishing him off.

Erin: "Don't worry Anon, we won't leave you."

They quickly ran outside and Anon found his bike. Suddenly a gunshot was heard and Mia was hit.

Anon: "NO!"

Her gemstone fell onto the ground and it was caught by Erin. Umeni Zulu forces arrived instead of the police. Anon shoots 2 and kills them. Prasiolite took cover behind a random car and Althea was doing the same thing. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a random Umeni gunman tackled Anon and tried strangling him. Anon dropped his gun and Anon was close to passing out from lack of air. Suddenly, a bang was heard. The Umeni gunman was shot in the back by Erin who saved Anon in the process.

Anon: "Erin. Your very first kill."

The other gems were poofed and Erin wasn't poofed yet. Anon causes a malfunction in their earpiece as the police arrive on the scene. Erinite and Anon quickly gather up the gems and stuff them into Anon's pockets.

Anon: "Let's go!"

They got on the bike and Anon starts driving. On their way back, Erin was crying a bit while holding onto Anon.

Anon: "Hey what's wrong."

Erin: "It's just that I feel guilty."

Anon: "No, I should be feeling guilty."

Erin: "No. That man you killed actually deserved it. I was wrong."

Anon: "It's ok now. That was in the past."

She stops tearing up and just holds on as Anon speeds up with his bike.

To be continued...

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