3. New home

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Anon was still talking with the girls. He talked to them about what he does which includes: Hacking and theft. Rarely murder. The gems even told Anon about their kind: Lacking food or drinks.

Anon: "But for the last time, I'm not a killer. I kill crooks that hide in the city's shadows."

Mia: "We understand. So you're a-

Anon: "Vigilante? In a way."

The tall yellow gem tilts her head.

Mia: "I was going to say a rebel. What's a vigilante?"

Anon: "A vigilante is kinda like a rebel in a way. But they take matters into their own hands without the law's permission."

Mia: "I see."

Althea: "Anon, what would you like to do in your spare time now that you've been kicked out of your house?"

Anon: "Now that's my concern before you arrived here. I need a home."

He looks at the girls for a second. Then, a question pops up in his mind.

Anon: "I hope you girls don't mind but do you all live somewhere?"

Venus: "Oh yes. You're welcome to stay. Follow us."


Anon follows the girls to an apartment that's in the city. He walks into the room and it was kinda compact.

 He walks into the room and it was kinda compact

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Anon: "Not what I had in mind. So how'd you buy this place?"

Venus: "A young boy in a pink jacket, black shirt with a yellow star and black puffy hair gave us green stacks of paper called money to afford this."

Anon: "That's generous of him. This place is nice. It's nicer that my house."

The girls smiled.

Anon: "So what do you 3 do in your spare time? In fact how long have you girls been on Earth for?"

Althea: "We've been on Earth for quite some time since the human Earth year 2014. We heard about some rebels here on Earth, they're lead by the "infamous" Rose Quartz."

Anon: "What a lovely name for a gem like her. A rose quartz. Where is she now?"

Venus: "The young boy has her gem. She gave her form up to make him."

Anon: "Oh...that's a shame."

He walks outside to the balcony and sees the view of the city.

Anon: "The view's also nice. Whoever the boy is. You should thank him more."

To be continued...

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